Email: Add Hosted Accounts Through cPanel

Add and manage email accounts for your domain


  1. Login to cPannel
  2. Home > Email > Email Accounts
  3. Enter the email address that you wish to create in the Email text box before the @ sign
  4. Select the appropriate domain from the menu
  5. Enter the email password in the Password text box
  6. In the Mail Quota text box enter unlimited
  7. Click Create Account


Here are the access points / settings to provide the customer if we are hosting their email.



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MANUAL EMAIL CLIENT SETTINGS (Outlook, Apple Mail, iPhone, etc)


Incoming Mail Server Settings
Account type (POP or IMAP):    IMAP
Incoming Mail Server:      

User Name:                                  the entire email address

Password:                                     Use the email account’s password
Incoming server port number:   993
Incoming server supports SSL? yes
Outgoing Mail Server Settings
Outgoing Mail Server:      

User Name:                                  the entire email address

Password:                                     Use the email account’s password.

Outgoing server port:                 465

Outgoing server supports SSL? yes

*Authentication is required!

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