Adding a New Accommodation


  • Log in to WordPress
  • Go to the Accommodations tab on the left-hand side
  • Click “Add new”
  • Add the title of the room
  • On the right side – go to the Accommodations type bubble under Publish – you can put things like cottage, suite, etc.
  • Styles will vary for images – you can have hero galleries or media galleries
  • Adding image galleries
    • For Hero Gallery:
      • Go to the first hero / slides tab under Title, click add slide for each new image
      • Upload/Select the image for each slide
      • You can reorder them by clicking and holding the left side (near the number) and moving them
    • For Media Gallery:
      • Go down to the paragraph/description section
      • Click “Add Media” button right above it
      • Left side – “Create Gallery”
      • Create a new gallery button (bottom right side)
      • Upload/Select the images you want
      • You can now rearrange the order
      • For gallery settings – link to media file, columns vary based on number of pictures, size varies based on the shape of the pictures (Hint: Thumb – good for taller pictures, Tout – good for wider pictures)
      • Insert Gallery
      • If there’s a media gallery, add a feature image by going to the right-hand side
    • Excerpts:
      • Under the description / media gallery section, you’ll see Excerpt.

        -This is a short description that will appear on the main Accommodations page

        -You can put a short blurb/summary about the room here

  • Once you’ve added all the proper categories, pictures, details, etc. go to the top right of the page
    • Preview Changes (check for formatting, images)
    • Publish

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