Installing Analytics Tracking Code


  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account to copy the tracking ID.  The Analytics tracking ID will be in the format of UA-XXXXXXXX-X  where X represents a number.  Verify the tracking id.
  2. Go into the backend of the website. Click Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Q4FW Site Options > Analytics Tracking
  3. Paste the Abalytics tracking ID in the box labeled Google Analytics ID
  4. Select Classic or Universal Analytics
    If the tracking code starts with a section that reads “(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m),” then the tracking code is Universal Analytics.  If not, then it is Classic.

    — If Universal Analytics, select the reservation company

    • Manually verify (live site) within the <head> by view source
    • Manually verify (booking site) within the <head> by view source— If universal, be sure reservation page is also universal

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