Changing PMS Systems for Live Sites

Your customer emails you, saying that they are working with another PMS system (Escapia? I want to use Streamline, etc.) and you’re not sure what to do?

To set up a new PMS, it will require that you have a couple things you need to do.

  1. Make sure you have at least a week or two before the switchover.
  2. Learn which PMS they want to switch to
  3. Create a ticket in Jira for Dev to create a demo site.
  4. Get Tokens for the API from the customer for the new PMS.
  5. Add the new Tokens to Keeper
  6. The development team will create a new development site, use the new token(s) to get a new API call set up and then test a sync to confirm the call works.
  7. They will iron out any issues with the PMS/API call and then will give you the green light once it is all working as intended.
  8. The Demo site will need to be QA’d prior to launch. Thoroughly review the Demo site to ensure nothing is missing and confirm buttons, pages, and filters are working correctly. 
  9. It is important that high priority amenity filters are working properly before the transition. 
    1. Manual Review Migration:
  10. Ask the Development team to Dup the site before launch, as various SEO items, content pieces, page updates, and redirects will be in place and those updates need to be retained. 
  11. Once the Demo site is ready to launch, notify the Development team in the Jira ticket.  
  12. Notify the customer that the Demo site will take 24-48 hours to launch. 
  13. Once we start the launch process for the new site, it is recommended that the customer monitor the old PMS for new reservations so they can be manually added to the new PMS until we confirm the site has fully propagated. 
  14. Notify the customer that the demo site will take an additional 24 hours to propagate once it is live. To propagate, which means for a short time some people will see the new site and some will still see the old site. That is why we recommended the customer not cancel their old PMS until a few days after the new site goes live to capture any reservations made on the old PMS during this period. 
  15. Once the site is live and has fully propagated, you will need to complete final QA process to make sure everything migrated over correctly (pages, pictures, maps, filters, etc.). 

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