Email: Contact Form – From Field

As of today Escapia’s Lead Gen Tool requires each email FROM address to be unique to interpret the lead data correctly.

FROM: Will Ferrell –
FROM: Bob Evans –
FROM: Ron John –

But, are the emails being sent from,,

No. They’re being sent from a contact form on a customer website/domain – ie.

In reality, Escapia should not depend on websites to send on behalf of other websites (the old school way) because (nowadays) that will get the sending server (IP) blocked for being considered a spammer.

Why does the FROM address have to belong to the sending domain?

For example – if an email had “” in the From field, but send from (not, it is highly probable the relaying email servers will eventually consider it as a spoofed address – because that’s exactly how spammers do it.

At risk – if you are flagged as a spammer, the IP address of the sending server could be blocklisted by relaying mail servers which can take days/weeks/months to be removed from IF you can prove to those list-services that you are not a spammer.

However, with those risks in mind, we can override the validation and send using a workaround:

  • add a filter to disable the sender validation
  • add a Q4 managed SMTP server (with revolving IP addresses) – so as not to get the web server itself Blocklisted (0-100 emails sent per day @ $10pm, options if more are needed).

That should explain & solve for it.

– – –

For Dev Setup:

Step 1: Get SendGrid API Key

  • Log into – creds on the hosting sheet
  • Settings > API Keys – create a new API key, name is customernameapikey
  • Copy the API key

Step 2: Setup WordPress SendGrid Plugin

  • Install SendGrid Plugin
  • Open sendgrid > settings
  • Paste API key, add addtional setting info
  • Send a test message

Step 3: Update Contact Form 7

Edit themes/q4fw-theme/functions.php
// Override the email FROM sender (and all other) validation in CF7
add_filter( ‘wpcf7_validate_configuration’, ‘__return_false’ );
  • Update the forms to use the submitter’s email address:
  • e.g. FROM: [firstname] [llastname] <[email]>

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