Creating a SharpSpring Lead Generation Tool

Once a lead gen tool (i.e. the Social Media Guide, Free SEO Grader, etc.) has been approved and created, the below process will detail the required pieces of content and processes for setting up and activating the automation process.

1. Creating A Landing Page

Create a new page on the Q4 website with SEO-friendly copy where we will embed the form for the new lead gen tool.

2. Creating a Thank You page

Create a new page on the Q4 website which will serve as the results page of successfully submitting the form. This page should include a confirmation of receiving the form, what to expect, and links to other relevant content the user may find engaging.

3. Creating a Form In Sharpspring

A) Navigate to Content > Forms

B) Click the Grey Gear Icon and select Add a Form

C) Enter a name for the Form with “SharpSpring Form” and “Qualified Lead”

D) Navigate to the General Tab. Add the URL of the Thank You page to “Thank You Page URL” and check the “Submit Data to my “Thank You” Page.” option.

E) Navigate to the Fields Tab. Using the options in the “Fields” drop-down menu, select the desired form fields, setting them as required as needed.

F) Using the “Elements” drop-down menu, choose “Text” and add the following text into the text field:
“By submitting this form, you’ll be opting-in to occasionally receive additional resources, important industry news, and other relevant updates from Q4Launch. You can unsubscribe at any time – we promise it won’t hurt our feelings!”

G) Drag and drop the form fields into the desired order with the Text element as the last item.

H) Navigate to the Styles Tab. Choose the “Text Styling” radio button option to ensure the text field formats properly.

I) Scroll down and press Save Changes to create the Form.

J) Once the Form is Saved, the embed code will appear. Copy this code and add it to the already created Landing Page.

4. Creating Emails in Sharpspring

A) Navigate to Content > Email Templates.

B) Hover over the template to use and press the Plus sign to create a new email based on the template.

C) Update the content in the template to match the copy provided for the necessary auto-responders.

D) Click on the Send Settings (Envelope symbol) menu at the top of the left-hand tool menu and update the Subject, From Name (default to Ann Marie at Q4Launch), From Email (default to, and reply-to email (default to leave blank). Check the option for “Can send multiple times to one person”.

E) When the email is ready, press the green Save button. You can also test preview emails by clicking on the grey “…” menu option and and selecting “Choose a Preview Email.”

F) Repeat the process for each email necessary for the lead gen tool being created.

5. Creating A Visual Workflow

A) Navigate to Automation > Visual Workflows

B) Click the blue “Create” button and select “Visual Workflow” from the drop-down menu. Choose a name for the Visual Workflow and click “Ok”

C) Click the Plus sign symbol beneath the orange “Start” indicator. Select “Trigger” from the pop-up menu.

D) Under “Form” select the “fills out the form” option. Type the name of the form in and select the associated form from the drop-down menu that appears. Leave the “when” option set to “at any time.”

E) Click the Plus sign symbol beneath the newly created Trigger. Select “Action Group” from the pop-up menu.

F) Search for and select the “Newsletter & Notification” action group which is pre-built to subscribe the user to the Newsletter list and send a notification email to sales (in this case, Ann Marie).

G) Click the Plus sign symbol beneath the newly created Action Group. Select “Time Delay” from the pop-up menu.

H) Set the Time Delay to 1 Minute and click OK.

(NOTE: For some reason, SharpSpring works more consistently when there is at least one time delay in an automation so tasks don’t stack up on one another, so always include at least one 1-minute delay regardless of whether it is needed or not)

I) Click the Plus sign symbol beneath the newly created Time Delay. Select “Action” from the pop-up menu.

J) Select the “send the email” option. Search for the email name, select it from the drop-down menu and press OK.

(NOTE: The “wait until next business hours” option can be useful, but in initial testing led to multiple emails sending on a Monday if the automation took place over the weekend)

K) Repeat the steps of adding any necessary time delays and additional emails per the requirements of the lead gen tool being created.

L) In the top-right hand corner, set the Visual Workflow to ACTIVE.

6. Adding A Goal In Google Analytics

A) Navigate to Google Analytics > Admin > Goals (under Views)

B) Space allowing, create a new Goal or update an outdated Goal

C) Edit the Goal Description to match the lead gen tool being created

D) Edit the Goal Details. Add the Thank You Page URL to the “Destination” form field set to “Equal to”.

E) Turn the “Funnel” option on. Add the Landing Page URL to the Screen/Page form field, and switch “Required?” to “Yes”.

F) Press the Blue Save button.

7. Testing The Automation

A) Fill out the Form on the Landing Page, confirming it redirects to the correct Thank You Page.

B) Navigate to Automation > Scheduled Events in Sharpspring.

C) Select the “Contacts” tab. Verify the actions assigned in the Visual Workflow are correctly scheduled.

D) Open emails upon receipt and ensure they are formatted correctly and working as intended.

E) Verify goal tracking in Google Analytics

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