Creating Custom Emails for Contact Form 7 Forms

When a user submits a Contact Form 7 form, we have the option to send that user an e-mail. If you would like to customize this e-mail to match the customer’s standard e-mail template from their e-mail marketing template, you can do so by following the below steps:

  1. Create the custom e-mail in the customer’s e-mail marketing platform (ex. ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, ConstantContact, Navis, etc.)
  2. Login to the customer’s website.
  3. Click Contact in the left-hand menu.
  4. Click Edit for the form you are doing this for.
  5. Click the Mail tab.
  6. Scroll down and check the box for Use Mail (2). Mail at the top of the page is the e-mail the customer will receive when the form is submitted, and Mail (2) is the e-mail the user who submitted the form will receive after submitting the form.
  7. Make sure the fields are filled out as follows:
    1. To = [your-email]
    2. From = Customer’s Name [customer’s e-mail address they want the e-mail to be sent from]
    3. Subject = the subject of the customer approved e-mail
    4. Additional Headers = Reply-To: customers e-mail BCC: CSM’s e-mail, MM’s e-mail
  8. For Message Body, you will need to obtain the HTML code for the custom e-mail that was created in the customer’s e-mail marketing platform. The steps to do so may vary by e-mail marketing platform.
    1. One way of doing so is by viewing the e-mail in a browser, right-clicking, and click View Page Source. Then, copy all of the HTML code that is shown and paste it into the Message Body section.

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