Creating Custom Packages

In an effort to better serve our customers and deploy resources towards what is driving the most value for customers, it’s important to take a look at what we are doing and make changes as necessary.


Here are the steps for doing so.

  1. Review customer performance by channel (SEO, social, PPC, email, etc.) and determine if there are channels that would benefit from more or less investment.
  2. Create a copy of the Package Update Template and update the fields to reflect your customers current package details (rows 3-20)
    • What services are they currently getting?
    • What is their total package breakdown?
    • Add line items if there are elements not included (i.e. wedding add-on, restaurant marketing, etc.)
    • Include revenue details for each channel to help understand which channels are driving the greatest value to our customers
  3. Outline which services you would like to keep/add/change in rows 24-28. Include notes if necessary.
  4. Set a 15min. meeting with Nancy to review pricing. Pricing in the template sheet is just an example. If you would like to include a recommendation prior to the meeting, feel free to do so.
  5. Finalize agreement and price with Nancy
  6. Create updated package details in a new agreement for the customer to sign. Send to Nancy to review.
    • Use their current agreement as the starting template to copy and label their current package as “Current”. Be careful not to alter the original agreement and instead work off of a copy for a new doc that you create.
    • Add a column titled “Custom” that has the proposed agreement details outlined. You may need to add rows for details that weren’t included in their previous agreement. For example, if they are adding PPC in the proposed agreement, add a row for PPC that shows it’s included in the proposed agreement and “N/A” for the old agreement.
  7. Communicate proposed agreement to customer and walk them through data and strategy behind your recommendations.
  8. Once customer accepts new agreement, CSM should send contract to Kayla who will need to send to the customer to execute via Docusign.
  9. CSM should be sure to communicate all package changes to all parties involved (i.e. Content, SEO, PPC, etc.)




Some things people might search for to find this article: Package creation, package updates, creating custom packages, creating updated packages, package change process, package update process

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