If customer tells you they want to cancel this needs to be addressed as soon as possible in order to give us the best opportunity for saving the relationship.
Customer Cancellation Requests
- Cancellation requests must be in writing. If the customer verbally tells you they want to cancel please let them know the request must be in writing and ask them to send you an email with the cancellation request.
- Review the customer agreement for cancellation terms. The request must follow the terms of our agreement. If the customer is asking to cancel prior to the end of their agreement (meaning they want the last day of service to be before the full 12 month period) this can only be approved by the GM.
- Let your team lead and all team members (MM, SEO, Content, Email, Social, PPC) know about the request.
- Try to get details on why they are cancelling so our team can review. If possible, schedule a call with the customer within 2 days of the notice. Include all team members on the call. The purpose of the call will be to get a better understanding of the reason(s) they are cancelling and to try to save some, if not all, services. After the call, please send an email summarizing the call and outlining what services will be kept and what services are being canceled. Please make sure to include the final day of service for the services being canceled.
- If we are unable to save the agreement please update the client billing sheet to let billing know when to stop each billing item.
- If we are keeping some services, work with your Team Lead to determine if a new agreement should be created.
- Please save a copy of the Offboarding Template in the Customer Folder and share the sheet with all team members. The CSM is responsible for managing the offboarding process. Here are some additional resources for the offboarding process.
- Continue to act in a professional manner and maintain a positive relationship with the customer throughout the remainder of our agreement. Ensure all deliverables are delivered on time and to the best of our ability. Also, assist the customer as needed to ensure they have a smooth transition to their new marketing company. You never know what opportunity we may have to work with this customer again, so don’t burn any bridges.