Q4Launch Policy for Customers That Fall Behind on Monthly Payments

Once we receive notification that a customer has stopped or missed a payment,


  • Stop work (blogs, emails, Facebook, dev, etc.) until payment is received.
  • While we wait for payment to resume, team members will use allotted time to work ahead on other projects. This will help create time on the back end to resume work when the client resumes payment.

When payment resumes:

  • Blogs: Begin blogging where we left off, but we will not deliver work in a lump-sum, or catch up asap. We’ll create 1 blog per week.
  • Social: Add an extra 1-2 social media posts per week until we catch up.
  • Email: Use email credits strategically
  • Design and Development work: Customers lose their slot in the development queue and will be re-added where possible

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