Email Template: Reminder of Final Day of Service for Marketing Customers

On a customer’s final day of service, CSMs will send an internal email to all team members reminding them of offboarding responsibilities. Below is an example you may use to get started. Please note, your offboarding requests may vary for the example below.

Subject Line: Action required- Offboarding [Insert Customer’s Name]

Body Copy:

Hi team,

[Insert Customer’s Name]’s last day with Q4Launch is [Insert Customer’s Final Day of Service- Month, Day, Year]. To offboard them from our services, please complete the following:

@Steve Bare (or current Admin responsible for billing)

    • Stop all future recurring billing. I’ve also added this request on the client billing sheet. (Include Link to Client Billing Sheet)
    • Please suspend the hosting account for ([Insert Customer’s domain]) from our servers. I’ve added a task in Jira for this here: ([Include Link to Jira task])

@Casey Higgins or @Allison Cooke Oliverius (or current content team leads)

    • Cancel the Likes campaign on Facebook
    • Remove the Q4 team from their Facebook account

@Kevin Shroat (or current director Active Campaign leader)

    • Pause [Insert Customer Name] in the Q4Launch agency account with Active Campaign
    • Remove Q4Launch credit cards from [Insert Customer Name]‘s Active Campaign billing

@Tom Burkart (or current PPC specialist)

    • Pause Google Ads accounts and remove access or roll back proprietary changes we’ve made to account (if applicable)

@Haley Wolfinger and @Jonathan McFadden (or current SEO specialist)

    • pause in-house SEO work
    • remove them from WebCEO

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,
[Insert CSM Name]

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