Event Tracking Button Shortcode

Version `2.18.0` and above of the Q4 Framework includes a shortcode for creating buttons tied to Google Analytics event tracking.


The shortcode [eventtrackingbutton] accepts the following attributes:

  • text – The display text of the generated button.
  • link – The href value for the button / the URL that the button will go to.
  • target – Can be set to _blank to have the button open it’s link in a new tab.
  • category – Analytics category.
  • action – Analytics action.
  • label – Analytics label.
  • value – Value to be tracked in a analytics.

Any of these attributes other than text and link may be left blank or omitted if not required. The final format for the shortcode should follow this example:

[eventtrackingbutton text="Click Here" link="/some-page" category="thing-to-track" action="clicks" label=""]

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