Q4VR: Gaining API Access

API access allows our Vacation Rental customers to display their properties on the sites we build.

What is an API?

API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface. It is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In our case, this is the communication between a property management system (Streamline, Escapia, V12, Barefoot, VRM) and the Q4Launch VR websites.

The API credentials are passed along during the onboarding process. The login information is typically gathered by customer, sent to the CSM and passed along the DEV team (via Zoho task) to begin the integration.

In some cases, the customer must request their PMS give Q4 “partner” privileges. Please refer to these email templates below that’ll allow you to gain the credentials we need to set up this customer for success!

Requesting Access

Escapia v12 Streamline Barefoot VRM

For Escapia

Here is the full process for gaining API access to Escapia:

  1. Q4Launch team asks the customer to contact support at HomeAway to grant API access to Q4Launch. The customer may submit a ticket to HomeAway at (877) 238-2287 or software.homeaway.com/support. Below is a script the customer may send HomeAway.
  2. HomeAway Support will send your customer a form to sign, and then they will send your customer an email with codes to send to us.
  3. Ask your customer to forward us the email codes / API credentials. 
  4. Once you have the email codes / API credentials from the customer, please add them to the task in Zoho.

Here is a script that your customer can copy and paste to send to HomeAway Support:

– – – – – – – – – –

Good Morning,

I’m reaching out to request that Q4Launch be added as our custom website partner for marketing and website design, they will need API access to Escapia. Can you please send me the credentials so that I can get Q4Launch the access they need to begin working on an integrated website for us?

Thank you,

– – – – – – – – – –

Ask your customer to send the message above to
https://software.homeaway.com/support. Then, they should send the credentials. Next, they will send you important API credentials & information to forward to us.

For V12

We have to have API access for this PMS.

Here is a set of instructions for requesting your DAA Form from Homeaway.

  1. Please contact support at Homeaway to gain API access for us. Per the Homeaway Specialist please submit a ticket to (877) 238-2287 or https://software.homeaway.com/support. Below is a script to send them.
  2. They will send you a form to sign, and then they will send you an email with codes to send to us.
  3. Forward me what they send you.

Here is a script you can copy and paste to send to HomeAway Support:

– – – – – – – – – –

Good Morning,

I’m reaching out to request a Data Access Authorization (DAA) form to grant our marketing and website design partners, Q4Launch, API access to Escapia. Can you please send me this form so that I can fill it out and get Q4Launch the access they need to begin working on an integrated website for us?

Thank you,


– – – – – – – – – –

Send the message above to https://software.homeaway.com/support. Then, they should send you a Data Access Authorization (DAA) Form. You must fill out the DAA form and return it to HomeAway. Next, they will send you important information to forward to me.

For Streamline

This PMS does not require DAA form access but uses a NDA. We are already a current partner, so we only need to request tokens.

– – – – – – – – – –

Good morning,

I’m reaching out to inform you that your Network Partner, Q4Launch, will be touching base with you about accessing our PMS through a NDA form. They’ll be hosting our website and will need those tokens in order to display our properties and capture bookings. Would you let me know once they have access, so I may inform my contact there?

Thank you,


– – – – – – – – – –

Send the message above to your Account Manager at Streamline. Then, they should send over an email from the Integration Department about allowing Q4Launch access. Next, forward that over to me, so I may alert our Development Team.

For Barefoot

Here is the full process for gaining API access to Escapia:

  1. Email your customer and ask them to reach out to Barefoot support to get the API login info we need. Templated email below.
  2. Ask your customer to send you the API login info, once Barefoot support sends it to them.
  3. Once you have the login info that Barefoot sent your customer, add them to the task in Zoho for dev.

Your customer will need to reach out to Barefoot and ask for login information for the Barefoot API. Here is a templated email that you may send to your customer, asking them for the information we need:

– – – – – – – – – –

Hi [Customer Name],

To start building the integration between your new website and Barefoot, our developers need the following information from Barefoot:

    • Username
    • Password
    • Account ID for API use

The username and password is for API use, so it’s different than what you use to login to your Barefoot account. The Account ID is what you enter in the “Company” field when logging into your account.

Can you please contact Barefoot and ask them to provide this information? Once you receive it, please send it to me. Then, our team can get started on the integration.


Thank you for your help,

– – – – – – – – – –


This PMS system had integrated sites before the DAA or NDA forms were required by PMS systems. Please send the Escapia formatted email to customers on this PMS since we’re not sure if they require a DAA or NDA form at this time. Once we know, alert me and I’ll update this article. Or, you may update it yourself with the information you’ve received.

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