Q4VR: Google Maps Account Setup

Since Google Maps is charging for API calls, we have to set up a new Project, API Key, and Billing Account for each VR customer.

Navigate to the Q4Launch Google API Developer Console: https://console.developers.google.com/projectselector2/apis/dashboard?folder&organizationId=965581191440&supportedpurview=project&project

  • Click on the arrow next to q4launch.com in the header
  • Select New Project


  • Enter a Project Name. Click Create.

  • Once your project gets created, select it from the drop down list in the header (same place you went to create a new project).
  • Click on “Enable APIs and Services”
  • Click on the Credentials Option on the left sidebar
    • Click the Create Credentials button and select API key from the drop down

  • It will create the API key. Copy that, and put it in the Google Map Key field in the Q4VR Plugin.
  • Click on the API key to key up key restrictions.
    • Add your customer’s site (dev and live) to the allowed URLs.


  • Contact Rich to set up the Billing Account.

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