How to Create the Vacation Guide Automation Sequence in Navis

Please note that we cannot create the Vacation Guide automation sequence and Auto-Responders (ARs) in Navis if the customer does not have Marketing Suite as part of their Navis account and/or does not have an existing email template in Navis that can be used to create the ARs.

  1. Request the following from the customer:
    1. Please provide access to your entire Navis account at the highest level including access to your Marketing Suite (at the minimum we’ll need Marketing Suite access).
    2. Please provide us with your Navis Account Number and Navis Password.
      1. This will be used for the Q4 Navis Plugin to establish the API connection between the plugin and Navis.
    3. Do you have an existing email template in Navis that we can use to create the ARs? If not, please work with Navis to have one created which Navis may charge a fee to do so.
    4. Please set up a Campaign phone number that can be used for the Vacation Guide touches (can be 4 unique numbers or just one labeled Vacation Guide that’s used in each of the ARs).
  2. Once you have the above, put in a Jira task for Dev to install the Q4 Navis Plugin on your customer’s website. Be sure to provide them with the Navis Account Number and Password in the request.
  3. Have the Content Creator login to Navis and create the emails in Navis under Content > Emails > New Email.
    1. I think this step is correct, but a CC may be able to confirm since we didn’t do this step for Osthoff. They handled creating the emails after we simply provided them with the content and photos that should be used for each of the 4 ARs.
  4. Have the MM or CSM login to the customer’s Navis account and do the following:
    1. Navigate to Account Settings > Subscriptions, click New, and create a Subscription as follows:
      1. Name: Q4Launch Vacation Guide
      2. Checkbox Title: Vacation Guide
    2. Navigate to Account Settings > Lists and create 1 List for each Auto-Responder and name them accordingly. Your lists should be set up as follows:
      1. Q4Launch Vacation Guide 1:
        1. Touch Type: Lifecycle
        2. Uncheck “Exclude contacts based on existing reservation dates”
        3. Send Cycle: 0 Day(s) After Subscription – Q4Launch Vacation Guide
        4. Show Status: Will Send
      2. Q4Launch Vacation Guide 2:
        1. Touch Type: Lifecycle
        2. Check “Exclude contacts based on existing reservation dates”
        3. Send Cycle: 1 Day(s) After Subscription – Q4Launch Vacation Guide
        4. Show Status: Will Send
      3. Q4Launch Vacation Guide 3:
        1. Touch Type: Lifecycle
        2. Check “Exclude contacts based on existing reservation dates”
        3. Send Cycle: 3 Day(s) After Subscription – Q4Launch Vacation Guide
        4. Show Status: Will Send
      4. Q4Launch Vacation Guide 4:
        1. Touch Type: Lifecycle
        2. Check “Exclude contacts based on existing reservation dates”
        3. Send Cycle: 5 Day(s) After Subscription – Q4Launch Vacation Guide
        4. Show Status: Will Send
    3. Navigate to Touches, and, by creating each Touch one at a time all the way to activation, you’ll create individual Touches for each of the 4 Auto-Responders by doing the following:
      1. Name: Q4Launch VG AR 1, Q4Launch VG AR 2, Q4Launch VG AR 3, and Q4Launch VG AR 4
      2. Type: LifeCycle (for all 4 touches)
      3. Activation Date: Today’s date
      4. Expire Date: Any date that’s like 30 years out from today
      5. Run Every: 1 Minute(s)
      6. Email: Select the appropriate email for each Touch (i.e. the Q4Launch VG AR 1 touch should be assigned the first VG AR email and so on)
      7. Sender Profile: Default (Account Settings Default) unless otherwise specified by the customer
      8. Subject: Should be the Subject Line the Content Creator wrote for each respective email
      9. List: Select the appropriate List for each Touch (i.e. the Q4Launch VG AR 1 touch should be linked to the Q4Launch Vacation Guide 1 list we created earlier and so on)
      10. Campaign: Assign the Campaign phone number that we asked the customer to set up for us earlier in this process.
      11. Check the box for Send Error Email: Put the email address for your main customer contact here.
      12. On the right side, select your Test Audience (probably your main customer contact) and click Send Test. Once the Status column in that window shows as Processed, you’re ready to activate the Touch.
      13. Repeat these steps for each of the other Auto-Responders.
    4. Follow the steps in this KB article to create the Navis form and get it added to the Vacation Guide request page of the site.
    5. Lastly, make sure the Vacation Guide request page is featured prominently on the site to gain as much exposure and generate as many leads as possible.
      1. Recommendations on where to include a link to the Vacation Guide request page:
        1. Homepage and Sidebar touts
        2. Main navigation either as standalone item or under the Things To Do/Area Information type tab
        3. Blog posts
        4. Pop-up that shows on all blog posts and any Things to Do/Area Information related pages

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