At Risk Strategies & Offboarding Canceled Customers

At some point or another, you will experience an at-risk customer or one who is interested in canceling services. For both situations, we want the team to be prepared and have clear next steps on how to handle these situations.

At-Risk Customers

  1. Notify team lead of customer risk and reasons why to add to the At-Risk list.
  2. Try to salvage the relationship by identifying the reason for customer risk and calling in assistance from other team members to do all we can to save the customer relationship.

Relationship Risk

Performance Risk

Product Risk

customer requests termination:

    • CSM schedules call to try to save customer & discuss identify reasons/learning opportunities. Loop in the entire internal team to assist in developing a save plan and include the Customer Success Team Lead on call.
      • Note: If marketing is 100% not savable, but the customer likes their website, present the option of transitioning to website services after 90 days.
    • If the customer isn’t saveable, CSM to create a copy of the Offboarding checklist and work through each step during their final 90 days of service.

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