How to set up a redirect in wordpress

  1. Go to the backend of WordPress
  2. Hover over “Tools” and click “Redirection”
  3. Go to “Options” under the small top menu on this page
    Top nav of redirects page
  4. Check that both “Case insensitive matches” and “Ignore trailing slashes” – click the checkboxes if they don’t have checks
    1. these are under “Default URL settings”
    2. If you check the boxes, be sure to scroll towards the bottom of the page and click “Update” when done
  5. Go to “Redirects” under the small top menu on the page
  6. Click “Add New”
  7. Paste the old URL in “source URL”
  8. Paste the new URL in “Target URL”
  9. Click “Add Redirect”


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