Jira Best Practices for CSMs

General Jira Project Management Reminders

  • If you have tasks in Jira you should review Jira each day to review any comments or flagged items
  • Please come prepared to our weekly Dev Prio meeting knowing the status of your tasks and if any need to be escalated
  • Jira tasks are ordered on the board in the order in which they will be completed
    • If you feel a task is not prioritized correctly on the board or is unassigned and is urgent please reach out to the dev-prios channel on Teams. If the task is not urgent please discuss priority at Dev Prios meeting.
  • Below, you’ll find two examples of how to format Jira tickets to ensure the Dev Team has all the information they need.


Dev Troubleshooting

Step 1: Troubleshoot the issue and ask yourself:
  • What is the problem? What should be different than it is.
    • Compare it to another like Q4Launch website.
    • Did you do a hard refresh (CTRL+Shift+R)?
    • Did you clear your cache?
    • Did you check in an incognito window?
    • Did you ask a teammate if they are seeing the issue on their computer?
    • Did you check https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
    • Is this a new feature/functionality?
      • It’s important to note custom work and set proper expectations with the customer that the ask may not be feasible or if feasible will be billable hours.
    • Can you replicate the problem? If so, how?
      • Take a screenshot and note the steps taken to get there.
      • Can you replicate it on all browsers/multiple devices?
  • What do you think the next step is?
    • Can you/website support team make the edit? (Content/photos/uploads)
    • VR specific: Have you synced the site? Is the next step on the website or in the PMS?
      • Run a Postman call


Information to Include in a Task (formerly Adhoc) Ticket

If after troubleshooting, the issue requires code (i.e. script/<head> requests) or the site is not functioning as other Q4Launch websites (i.e. properties are showing in Postman, but not on website) submit a Jira ticket and be sure the ticket includes:

  • The expected behavior vs the actual behavior (think back to the sites you compared it to)
  • Describe the issue (is problem on live site or dev site, did customer report or did you see it, is it happening on all devices/browsers ect)
  • Describe the steps you took to replicate and troubleshoot (including screenshots)
  • Link any relevant Jira tasks (have you seen/heard of this issue happening on another site)
  • Set the priority (highest is reserved for website down/unable to book)
    • Lowest: This priority is used for internal requests that the customer is not yet aware of and does not cause barriers/confusion during booking. (approx 20+ business days)
    • Low: This priority is used for general requests that don’t have an actionable next step. (i.e. updating styling on the site) (approx 14-21 business days)
    • Medium: This priority is used for general requests that have an actionable next step. (i.e. installing script in <head> so customer/site can start using 3rd party company) (approx 7-10 business days)
    • High: This priority is used for issues that cause barriers/confusion during booking and/or customers that are at-risk/upset.
    • Highest (Urgent): This priority is only used when site is down or not able to take bookings.

*If a ticket is urgent or highest priority please add ticket link to dev-prios channel in teams and @chat me. Otherwise we will discuss all other tickets in the dev prios meeting.

*It is important to come to the dev prios meetings prepared with tickets you are monitoring for resolution and any new tickets you put in this week.

If you cannot replicate the issue being reported, ask the customer to send screenshots or video of what they are seeing.


Project management of Task (ad-hoc) tickets

These tasks need to be project managed just like other deliverables. Please make a note to check in on the tickets regularly (if they are flagged they are awaiting more information from you). I’ve noticed Jim is commenting on most tickets with questions so make sure to keep an eye on the email notifications and reply within 4 hours to ensure we keep these moving!

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