Jira: How To Add a New Customer & How to Add a New Customer Issue

How to Add a New Customer to Jira

  1. Log into Jira
  2. On the left-hand side, click the plus sign
  3. Confirm your Project is set to “Clients (ON)”
  4. Confirm your “Issue Type” is set to  “Epic”
  5. Add your customer’s name to the “Epic Name” field
  6. Add your customer’s name to the “Summary” field
  7. Select your customer’s vertical from the “Q4 Vertical” dropdown
  8. Paste in your customer’s URL in the “Client Site URL”
  9. Click “Create”

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How to Add a New Issue to Jira

  1. Log into Jira
  2. On the left-hand side, click the plus sign
  3. Confirm your Project is set to “Clients (ON)”
  4. Confirm your “Issue Type” is set to:
    – “Task” for new dev tasks
    – “VR/ BB/HIL” for one-off onboarding tasks
  5. Give your task a clear, descriptive title in the “Summary” field
  6. Give your task a clear description in the “Description” field. Your description should include:
    – all pertinent URLs
    – screenshots of the issue
    – a clear and concise request for the dev team outlining what you need from them
  7. Set the Priority
    Note: “Highest” is reserved for emergency/urgent tasks only
  8. Select your customer’s name from the “Epic Link” dropdown
  9. Click “Create”

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