Lead Generation Task List

Fill Out Vacation Guide Spreadsheet W/suggestions

Write Vacation Guide Content From Branding Call and Post to Website

Develop Autoresponder Strategy

Write Autoresponders and Add to Activecampaign

Proof Designed Autoresponders

Create Vacation Guide Forms and Tag in Activecampaign

Below is the KB article on how you create a new customer account – see step 5 for Forms

Add Autoresponder Text to Template

Below is the KB article on how you create a new customer account – see step 6 for Automations.

Send Vacation Guide Text to Customer

Create Vacation Guide and Thank You Landing Page

Vacation Guide request/landing page URL should be /city-state-vacation-guide (or city-state-vacation-itinerary or similar, based on the lead gen format).
IF an Online Guide – the REQUEST page URL should be optimized for SEO. The actual page for the online guide, where the user enters the password, should NOT be, and can just have the URL of /vacation-guide (or whatever type of lead gen it is).
Ask current CSMs for examples of pages to reference, both request and thank you pages.

Add Vacation Guide Ctas to Relevant Pages on Website

  • add standard pages or how to find pages

Add VG info to website – if it is an online guide

Style-out Online Guide to Match the Website

Never Cache Vacation Guide Page

How To:

  1. Log-in to WP
  2. Go to pages
  3. Find the password protected VG page (the VG page with the actual guide on it)
  4. Click edit
  5. Then click “view page” (top left hand. on the black bar)
  6. Hover on the diamond icon (on the top in the black bar)
  7. Hover on “Mark this page as”
  8. Click on “Non-Cacheable”
To see if it worked:
  1. Click on the diamond (on the top in the black bar)
  2. Click on the tab “Excludes” (4th tab)
  3. Scroll down to “Do Not Cache URIs” (2nd down)
  4. Make sure the VG URL is in there (should a $ by it)
If you have WP Rocket reach out to the front end person to help you do this task 
  • WP Rocket is for older customers and anyone new should have the LiteSpeed Plugin 

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