MailChimp: Creating an AutoResponder Series

Note: You will want to make sure that you have a template to use before starting autoresponders.

Create the Campaign

  1. Go to Campaigns, then click the Create Campaign button in the top right
  2. Choose EmailAutomated > Welcome new subscribersOnboarding Series
  3. Name the campaign whatever you wish, like “Vacation Guide AutoResponder”

Setup and Design the Campaign

  1. Verify that the Trigger is set to “Immediately after subscribers join your list”
  2. Create a Segment requirement for this campaign so that it only triggers for the appropriate leads. For example, for the vacation guide the segment is “Subscriber is a member of the saved segment Vacation Guide Signup”

  3. Click the Design Email button to the right of the first email to get started.
  4. Set the Name, subject, preview, etc for your email. Example:

    Click the blue Next button

  5. Go to the Saved templates tab and select your template. Input the VG content into the template.
  6. Once you’ve created your first AR, click Save and Continue in the bottom right. Continue moving through each of your ARs
    • Each email is automatically sent to send 1 day after the previous, but you can edit the trigger if needed
    • If you don’t need all 5 emails, just delete the extras by clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the email.
  7. Once you’ve completed all ARs and deleted any extras, select Next in the bottom right.
  8. Confirm all settings and options on the confirmation page, then select the blue Start Workflow button in the bottom right.

Modifying an Existing AutoResponder Campaign

  1. Click into the campaign you’d like to modify
  2. Select the grey Pause All Emails button in the top right
    • Alternatively, you can pause an individual email for editing by clicking the grey Pause & Edit button in line with that email
    • If you need to turn the campaign off but don’t want to delete it, you may just leave the campaign paused
  3. When the campaign is paused you can edit trigger conditions, the content of the email, and workflow settings
  4. To turn the campaign back on, simply click the grey Resume All Emails button in the top right.

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