Mockup Design Task List

Create Design Brief & Design Mockup

  1. After Kickoff Call CS/CSM meet briefly to discuss/create design brief.
  2. Once CS/CSM approve the design brief post for Designer in Jira by Day 2.
  3. Designer will create mockup & deliver to CS/CSM by Day 4.
  4. Dev Team Lead will review mockup to ensure it doesn’t have any customer work (unless approved).


Internal Revisions

  1. CS/CSM will review mockup & CS will post any internal revisions in Jira by Day 5.
  2. Designer will complete internal revisions & deliver updated mockup to CS/CSM by Day 6.


Deliver Mockup to Customer

  1. CS emails customer mockup by Day 6 using mockup email template.


Customer Revisions

  1. CS will communicate with customer & post any customer revisions in Jira by Day 8.
  2. Designer will complete customer revisions & deliver updated mockup to CS/CSM by Day 9.


Final Customer Approval

  1. CS will communicate with customer & get final approval in writing by Day 11.
  2. Once customer approves mockup CS needs to post in Jira for Designer to sync mockup to Dev.


Sync to Avocode

  1. DEV syncs Designer syncs mockup to Avocode for Development phase by Day 11.

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