When offboarding a customer who is not keeping their Q4Launch website
- Remove the Vacation Guide and all other lead generation tools created by Q4Launch as a part of their Marketing Agreement
- if the lead gen tool is a PDF, delete it from the media gallery
- if it is an online guide, remove the Q4 online guide plugin.
- Export website content from WordPress and email the XML files to the customer
- Note: If the customer is not moving to another WordPress site and/or the XML files you send the customer do not work, put a task into Jira so the dev team can export the database (content) and /uploads/ folder (pictures/files) and archive it into a .zip file for the CSM to link to the customer for download
- Reminder: We do not give away our framework, or allow customers to back it up. The Q4Launch Future Proof® Platform contains proprietary code/themes/templates/functionality and we do not give it away. Customers would love a copy of the Q4Launch Future Proof® Platform without paying for it. The answer is always no. Things we cannot share with customers and their developers include:
- a backup of the root of the account which has the wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes.
- a list of plugins that make our sites function.
- a copy of any Q4Launch plugins, including the Q4 VR, Q4 Guide, Q4 Flash, etc.
- To export website content:
- Log in to the customer’s website
- In the left-hand menu, hover over Tools and click Export
- Select Posts and Click the Download Export File button
- Select Pages and Click the Download Export File button
- Select Rooms/Accommodations and Click the Download Export File button
- Select Media, Export each year individually by making the Start Date and End Date the first and last available month of each year respectively (i.e. Start Date = January 2020 and End Date = December 2020), and Click the Download Export File button
- Open the Downloads folder on your computer, and while holding Ctrl, select each of these files.
- Right-click, hover over Send To, and select Compress (zipped) folder
- After the final day of service and the customer has their new website secured, add an ad-hoc customer request in Jira to remove the domain from Q4Launch’s hosting servers