Owner Acquisition Onboarding Process

Initial Setup, Prior to Kickoff Call

  1. There are two tiers of our owner acquisition service. Review agreement to see if your client is Tier 1 or Tier 2.
    1. This will determine the deliverables we need to provide, see .
  2. CSM uploads the Owner Acquisition Agreement PDF to the “Agreements” folder in the Customer Folder on Sharepoint.
  3. CSM attaches the Owner Acquisition Agreement to a new comment in your client’s Method contact.
  4. CSM shares the agreement with all team members who work on the client’s account (CC, MM, SEO team, PPC team, team lead).
  5. CSM adds a one-time setup fee and monthly recurring fee to the client billing sheet.
  6. The owner acquisition agreement includes PPC campaign management (for both Tiers).
    1. CSM coordinates with PPC Team for their recommendation on the monthly ad spend for the dedicated property management campaigns.
    2. Once you have budget recommendations have been decided, CSM shares the proposed Ad Spend with the client so they can approve the monthly budget.  If the client is not already a PPC customer, you will need to have the client sign our PPC agreement.
  7. CSM makes a copy and sends the Owner Acquisition Questionnaire to the client and schedules a call to complete the questionnaire over the phone.

Following the Kickoff Call

  1. CSM provides a copy of the completed questionnaire to the Content Creator (CC) on the account so they can edit the text so it’s ready for the brochure/web page.
  2. When you get the updated questionnaire responses back from the CC, CSM shares that document with the MM, SEO, and PPC teams so they understand all the goals of the client.
  3. CSM creates a new design ticket in Jira; an example is linked here.
    1. Ticket titled “Digital Brochure for Owner Acquisition”
    2. Issue type: Design (orange lightbulb)
    3. Attach the updated questionnaire doc to the Jira ticket along with any photos you want to use for the brochure.
    4. Once the Design Team provides the draft of the brochure, share it with MM and CC, so they can review and provide any comments.
      1. If needed, add internal edits to the Jira ticket.
    5. Once the brochure has been approved internally, CSM sends the brochure to the client for their review/approval.
  4. Work with Marketing Manager to ensure the property management page is redesigned/updated so we can provide all deliverables.
    1. Contact form via Contact Form 7.
    2. Set up GA goals/conversions – Event tracking on the contact form
      1. MM Team Lead will have examples to share, if needed.
    3. Digital brochure implementation on the website.
    4. New content on the property management page
    5. Lead Gen and marketing automation—Tier 2 clients only.
      1. This form will be:
        1. Housed in their current email marketing software (Navis, ActiveCampaign, Constant Contact, etc.)
        2. Provided for implementation on the client website, if a non-Q4L website.
      2. MM will create a lead nurturing sequence to follow the initial request.
  5. Once the page is finalized, add a new task in Planner for the SEO team (example linked here) to review the property management page and provide recommended on-page edits for SEO optimization.
    1. MM will update the page accordingly since it’s directly related to performance.
  6. For Tier 2 clients, the MM should develop the monthly email strategy for the owner acquisition email and add that to the marketing strategy calendar.
    1. CSM will need to review the email strategy with the client and get approval.

*For Non-Q4Launch sites (steps will vary on a customer by customer basis):

  1. The CSM would need to obtain log-in information for the customer’s website along with approval to add the brochure to the website when completed.
  2. If the customer does not want to provide log-in information; the CSM would obtain the contact information for the customer’s website support team.
    1. The CSM will coordinate with the website support team to get the brochure/page added to the website.

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