PIR Process

Partnership impact report (PIR)

Focuses: Onboarding Set-up, Ongoing Process and PIR Efficiency Tips

Process during the 30-day onboarding period:

  1. CSM gets access to the customer’s booking engine, Google Analytics account, Search Console, Facebook (if applicable), and anything else that will need to be included in the PIR (ex. Instagram, Google Ads, etc.).
  2. CSM grants the MM and Reports@q4launch.com or Reports2@q4launch.com access to the aforementioned accounts.
  3. MM creates the Report Overview file in the Customer Reports Google Drive Folder.
  4. MM pulls monthly booking revenue for the 12 months prior to onboarding and inputs this information on to the Chart tab of the customer’s Report Overview file.
  5. MM creates the PIR in DataStudio by following these steps.
  6. MM shares the Datastudio PIR with CSM for review.
  7. CSM shares PIR with the customer to introduce them to it and answer any questions.
  8. The CSM will deliver the first PIR 1 month after the kickoff, not marketing services. The MM will include Opportunities for Improvement such as:
    1. Provide PMS access to make a more complete report
    2. Launch of the new website to increase channel performance
    3. Speak to deliverables like Google My Business optimizations
    4. Provide a status update for the first marketing calendar, etc.

If the customer wants to have any features added to the PIR, please refrain from making a promise that this can be done. While many things are possible in our PIRs since they are customizable, the addition of certain features may not be possible or may incur a cost to the customer to be added (ex. Instagram tracking when we aren’t managing their Instagram account).

Ongoing PIR Process:

  1. MM pulls the booking revenue for the month being reported on and updates the customer’s Report Overview file accordingly.
  2. MM opens the customer’s PIR and makes sure all of the data on every page of the report is populating correctly.
  3. MM finds success stories using the customer’s PIR, Google Analytics, and booking engine.
  4. MM sends an e-mail to the CSM linking to the PIR and providing success stories and any opportunities for improvement.
  5. CSM reviews and reaches out to the MM with any questions they might have to be well equipped for their monthly PIR call with the customer.
  6. CSM delivers the PIR to the customer no later than the 10th of the month and schedules a call to review with the customer.

PIR Efficiency Tips:

Prior to the 1st of the Month
  1. MM sets up PIR email drafts around the 15th of the month prior and compiles non-urgent Opportunities for Improvement while doing pace reports and weekly GA checks. MMs should also add any remaining questions for customers from the previous month or calendars that need answers to move forward with strategy ideas. PIRs are a great opportunity to follow-up on outstanding items
  2. Review where the 5 business days fall to complete PIRs and pick an attainable # to complete each day to reach the deadline
    1. Example: If an MM has 29 customers you’ll need to do 5-6 per day to meet the deadline
On and after the 1st of the month
  1. If all prior steps were completed, all MMs will need to do in the first 5 business days of the month is add booking revenue, monthly notes from Google Analytics, and double-check that no DataStudio sections are broken for all customers
  2. Start with a few easier customers to get in a good rhythm before tackling the more challenging ones
  3. Track how many you complete in a given timeframe and work towards keeping each one within your average time
  4. Take a quick break if mentally blocked or switch to another task for a bit
  5. Plan out which customer PIRs will be completed the following day so you can verify there won’t be any roadblocks ahead of time
  6. Ensure notes are thorough and custom to each customer (Example PIR Emails: Burr White PIR and Oak Lodge PIR)

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