Hey guys! Quick KB article here with steps to ensure PPC account builds and activation go smoothly once you have a PPC Agreement signed and in house:
- — send tom.burkart@q4launch.com edit / admin access to their GA so i can link the analytics with ads and create custom remarketing audiences.
- The top three boxes must be checked in order to sync data sharing between Ads and Analytics. The edit access is also needed in order to create remarketing audiences for use in PPC Ads.
- — Email over to Tom: their monthly budget, expected start date, and whether google spend billed directly on client card or on Q4L credit card.
- If they are interested in a seasonally-adjusted budget, try to determine with client what range of annual spending they are comfortable with. Seasonal budgets are great and can lift annual ROAS by over 50% vs flat monthly spends.
- let me know they’re interested in seasonal budget and a hypothetical annual spend, and we can deliver the proposal.
- — credit card info for the direct billing of clicks by google *optional but encouraged. (need normal stuff: name, CC#, exp, security code, zip)
- — CSM to email Steve (CC nancy/tom) with the completed PPC agreement and note that it will be charged to their or our CC, what to bill them in first month and then what the recurring will be. for clients with google on their CC, we’d only bill the one-time setup and then the recurring monthly mgmt fee.
- — CSM update the client billing sheet to note the new client start and billing details (basically same as email to Steve)
- — Tom builds custom program, summarizes the campaign structure to you when ready, we finalize budgets, then we determine when to go live
- Green light and green dollar revenues ASAP! =]
- 2nd Month of PPC program: CSM double checks what is on the 2nd invoice to ensure accuracy of recurring charges.
Pls share any questions, and let me know if i forgot anything helpful in this step-by-step.