PPC Task List

Add Signed PPC Agreement to Method and Customer Folder

Notify Billing Department and Add PPC Billing to the Client

Billing Sheet

Add Admins to Google Ads

Closeout if not doing Google Ads.
If you are doing Google Ads, connect with Tom Burkhart or current PPC Specialist to determine next steps. In general, things we need to get started and get the ads live.
1: Google Analytics “Edit” Access granted to Tom so he may link Analytics to Google Ads, analyze past performance data, and create custom remarketing audiences.
2. Signed PPC Agreement- Get a copy and store it in Method and customer folder. Share with Tom as well.
3. Notify Kayla via email that new account is starting PPC, along with link to PPC agreement, start date, what CC the ads is billed to.  Pls CC Tom and Nancy
4. Entering a new client into Client Billing Sheet here. Client Billing – Google Sheets
5. Troubleshooting and repairing potentially broken ecommerce tracking – on case-by-case basis.  Often it is detail tweaks to the ThinkRes setup, but other times will need new GA code pasted into their website.

Set Up New Campaigns/Account

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