Pre-Kickoff and Kickoff Call Task List

Review Customer Info and Agreement

Review the customer agreement for exact deliverables and any special tasks agreed upon for this project. You will need to update your project management sheet based on the deliverables and may need to add additional tasks and/or notes outside of “normal package scope.”

Add Customer to Method

Go into Method and add the customer account. Include all the info possible, including the agreement. As you know more go back in and fill it out.

Confirm Introduction Email and Kickoff Call Calendar Invite

Once a new customer is assigned to you, coordinate with Sales and Team Leads on kickoff call information. Begin preparing the items referenced below in preparation for sending them to the customer before the call. Ensure a calendar invite for the kickoff call has been sent to customer and all necessary Q4 staff.

Create SharePOint Folder

  1. Create the folder in the ‘Customer Folders’ and add the following folders:
    Photos and Logos
    Vacation Guide
    Email Contact List
    Strategy Calendars
  2. Add all Customer information as you receive it (Onboarding call notes, signed agreements, etc.)

Create Kickoff Call Documents and Add them To Customer Folder in Drive

Please make a copy of each template linked below and add the newly created copy to your customer’s OneDrive folder. Fill out any necessary information in each template before the kickoff call.

  1. Onboarding Checklist Template
  2. How to Add Admins Template
  3.  Login & Access Checklist Template
  4. Vacation Guide Template
  5. Website Design Brief

Once all documents are created, please share them with the customer via email prior to the kickoff call using this Pre Kick Off Call Email Template.

Notify SEO and/or PPC Team Based on Agreement

If we are providing SEO services for this customer, send an email to the SEO team to let them know about the new customer. Please include:
  • The client name & website URL
  • The vertical (BB, HIL, VR)
  • The CSM & CC
  • The monthly word count/blog frequency
  • The SEO package level
  • If they will be getting a new website with us
  • The date of the Initial R&R call (please also add them to the calendar invite. You only need to add Jonathan or Haley, depending on vertical.)
1. Client Name & URL: Stay in Lake Tahoe Rentals;
2. Vertical: VR
3. CSM & CC: Davis; Kevin
4. Monthly Word Count/Blog Frequency: 1000 words/month
5. SEO Package Level: Basic
6. New Website? No
7. Date of Initial R&R Call: 2/13

PPC Team:

If we are doing PPC for this customer, send an email to the PPC team to let them know about the new customer. Please include:
  • The client name & website URL
  • The vertical (BB, HIL, VR)
  • Copy of PPC agreement
  • PPC Budget

Conduct Kickoff Call

CSMs will lead the kickoff call. The content creator and customer support coordinator will also attend. CSM will lead all conversation and can use the Onboarding Checklist Template as an agenda. The customer support coordinator will lead the website design portion of the call.

During the kickoff call, the CSM should schedule:

  1. Initial SEO Recommendations and Reporting call. Led by the SEO specialist
  2. Content Branding Call. Led by the Content Creator
  3. Marketing Strategy Call. Led by the CSM.
  4. Recurring Monthly Check-In/ PIR reporting call. This is an ongoing monthly call led by the CSM. It should be used as an opportunity to review performance and connect with customer on a regular basis.

Following the call:

  • CSM should confirm all follow-up call dates with the customer and Q4Launch team
  • all notes should be shared in the customer’s Google Drive folder
  • CSM should send a Post Kick Off Call Email to the customer.

Fill out Vacation Guide Spreadsheet with Suggestions from Onboarding Call

Prior to the Branding Call, the CSM should ask customers to out the Vacation Guide questionnaire. The content creator should also supplement the customer’s information with additional items found in their research.

Confirm Billing on Customer Billing Sheet

Check the Kickoff Billing tab in Customer Billing Sheet to ensure customer billing is listed correctly.

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