Q4Launch Out of Office Procedures For CSM’s and CC’s

For all employees:

  1. Request time off with as much advance notice as possible.
  2. Once approved, add to your Google calendar.
  3. Line up someone to be your OOO contact.
  4. Communicate dates you’ll be out and your OOO designee to team members.
  5. Set the expectation as to whether you’ll be checking email/reachable.
  6. On-going projects will be handled by the assigned CSM and CC.
  7. If you’re visiting a client while you’re OOO (Ie: Q4Travels, Customer Visit, etc.), check w/ other team members to see if there are any needs for photos or approval, etc.

Content Creators

See above. Also:

  1. Once PTO is approved, meet with your manager to discuss a plan for completing and covering work.
  2. At least one week prior to your vacation, schedule a meeting with your manager to review the status of your assignments.
  3. All CCs are expected to:
    1. Leave a checklist with the status of each customer and/or project.
    2. If another CC is writing a blog while you’re out, they will also post it to WP and FB.
    3. Set an OOO reply on your email w/ OOO contact’s info.
    4. Have all work completed or covered prior to leaving (blogs, social media, email content. If special projects are in the works, set expectations accordingly.)
      1. Create emails in advance and send to CSMs for review and edits prior to vacation.
      2. CSM will take care of any email edits while CC is OOO.
      3. Schedule social media in advance. If something comes up, the request will go to Allison and Casey and they’ll assign from there.
        While a CC is on vacation if a customer requests a blog update or there is something we need to take care of on Facebook, send a request to Allison and Casey. They will assign out from there.
  4. While a CC is on vacation if a customer requests a blog update or there is something we need to take care of on Facebook, send a request to Allison and Casey. They will assign out from there.

Customer Sucess Managers

See above. Also: 

  1. When vacation is approved CSMs reach out to other CSMs to ask who can be their OOO
  2. Let all your customers and the CC know who your OOO will be and that you will be out
  3. Set your OOO on your Gmail account.
    1. Gear button top right
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Scroll all the down to Vacation responder section
      1. Select your dates and write your OOO message
    4. Click “Save Changes”
  4. Before you leave, give a quick rundown with the person who’s covering regarding anything that might come through/might be an issue they’ll have to take care of.
  5. If the customer asks for something that’s a bigger conversation, the OOO will ask the customer to wait until CSM returns to better align with the strategy they put together.
  6. The OOO covers urgent and small customer requests (like adding a special or a website’s down)

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