Q4Launch Policy for Managing Customer’s Extreme Weather Emergencies


The following is a framework for how we can/will respond to emergency situations for our clients. Content and CEM team members will collaborate on the appropriate plan for their individual clients. CEMs will contact the clients regarding our SOP to customize and approve a plan based on their needs. Some clients will have their own plan in place and not need our resources.


Internal Communication

In the event of a loss of communication between team members (Ie: If we are all working remotely), be sure to send messages/info via text and email to cover all bases. Q4 Team Directory


CEMs will be available to customers 24/7 and can handle/communicate w/ the team regarding any posts needed during “off hours.”

Standard Operating Procedures


Step 1: at least 4 days before: Communicate with plan of action

  • We need:
    • Letters from Property Owner – let them know we can also craft a letter on their behalf with permission.


Sample eblast for Seaside Vacations:


Subject: Thanks for Your Concern for Seaside Vacations


Body: We had quite a weekend here in North Myrtle Beach! Tropical Storm Ana passed through on Sunday, bringing winds up to 50 mph and more than 6 inches of rainfall. Some of our past guests have called us to ask if everyone here at Seaside Vacations was okay. We wanted to thank everyone for their concern and let you know that all of us are safe and sound if not a bit windblown.


We’re also happy to say that our properties avoided any real damage and are ready for visitors! We did have some cleanup after nearly 10 hours of heavy wind and rain, but everything is back up and running and we’re ready to accept guests.


Again, we truly appreciate the concern expressed by our friends and guests, and we look forward to seeing you this summer!



Cary, Cyndee & the Seaside Vacations team


[Ended with a photo of their team in front of the Seaside Vacations sign]

    • Reservation Policy
    • Client emergency contact info that is for Q4 use as well as a contact number to include on social media as appropriate.
  • Communicate what our process will be in the event of lapse in communication. Go through each point with the innkeeper/manager and customize the plan according to their wishes. We can:
    • Share relevant local resources and info via social media
    • Create a pop-up on their website
    • Add/update Extreme Weather policy page
    • Send a cancellation email. We will need their upcoming reservation email list or booking engine info
    • If appropriate, we will respond to Facebook messages and answer guest questions with approved responses.
    • Put a temporary hold on posting blogs, strategic posts, and other “fun” social media and share only factual information about what is happening in the area via local sources and policy information.
  • Facebook: Suggest creating a post stating: “We may not be able to communicate, see these resources.”
    • Ex:

We are closely monitoring the path of Hurricane Irma. Currently, there are storm warnings and watches in effect for several islands in the Caribbean. We encourage guests to check www.weather.gov for the most current information available on the storm. The safety of our guests and associates is one of Marriott’s top priorities. Our hotels have finalized implementation of storm preparation protocols. We will be communicating pertinent information about the storm directly to our guests.


For information regarding hotel reservations, please call (800) 228-9290. Those in countries outside of the United States with questions about hotel reservations should call the Marriott International toll-free number in their country. Please note that depending on storm conditions we may not be able to respond on social media.

  • CEM to provide client cell phone number in case they can only communicate via cellular data
    • Get alternate contact number for hotel if possible

Step 2:

Contact is not in communication

  • Proceed with client-approved communication plan
  • Try to get in touch with customer
  • Pause on promoting blogs, strategic posts, and “fun” social media
  • Monitor Facebook messages

Contact is in communication

  • Encourage client to share photos and property info; we will continue to share info by local news outlets and other resources
  • Pause on promoting blogs, strategic posts and “fun” social media
  • If they are on top of it, just let them take the lead, provide guidance if relevant, and have them let us know when they are ready for us to resume operations

Step 3: After

  • Communicate w/ guests via email and Facebook when things are back to normal. “Come Back”
    • Reminder of the weather policy so people can rebook
  • Posts of pictures – especially positive – to reassure guests
  • Ease into any salesy social media posts, including blogs, room features, or “things to do.” It’s very important to be empathetic to the situation and people in the area.


Here is an example for an inn that was offering a hurricane special once things were back to normal:


Headline: The Beautiful Weather is Back! Now Introducing Our Hurricane Special!

Subject Line: We All Deserve a Break From These Hurricanes


Hurricane season may still be in full swing, but the sun is shining and the weather is beautiful right now in (city)! (XYZ Resort) is open for business and we are even offering a Hurricane Special for guests. Book your stay with us now and enjoy 20% off high season rates and a complimentary bottle of wine. The safety and comfort of our guests is our top priority, and we provide the best B&B accommodations to ensure a relaxing stay. Let us be your home-away-from-home and come explore all that (city) has to offer. We can’t wait to welcome you!

Button: Book Your Stay


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