Future Proof® Feature: Q4VR Barefoot Agent Lead Forms


Q4VR Barefoot Agent Forms is a lead capture tool Q4 has built to integrate with Barefoot Agent - Barefoot's lead management and CRM tools. The Q4VR Plugin integrates and communicates with Barefoot Agent lead capture system via API for customers that pay for the service.



In order for our Barefoot customers to use the lead capture form, a few things must happen:

  1. Sales Agent API requires 3 credentials — Username, Password and SOB (statement of business). The service must be purchased, and then these API creds will be provided by Barefoot and will be unique to this service and not the same as the PMS.
  2. Credentials saved to the Hub account — this is done by Dev, below are the credentials that Dev will need to setup the Hub account
    • Barefoot Username
    • Barefoot Password
    • Barefoot Account ID
    • Rez Type ID
    • Excluded Property Amenity Codes (optional)
  3. Place the lead capture shortcode on the page, or in the Widget, that you want the form to render on. See shortcode explained below.



[AddLead sob="VantageOceanCity.com"]


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