Future Proof Feature: Q4VR Guest Reviews



The Guest Reviews feature allows customers to leave a review for an individual property.
*This feature has been enabled by default, to disable it you must remove it from all properties.

Once a submission is made, the review goes into a moderation queue in the dashboard under "comments" for approval.

Here is a walkthrough:

Note: Guest Reviews are the 3rd type of review our system supports, along with PMS Reviews and Manually Submitted Reviews.


Allow/Disable Guest Reviews on all or individual properties:
*This feature has been enabled by default, to disable it you must remove it from all properties.

  1. Dashboard > Vacation Rentals > Select All
  2. Bulk Actions (drop down) > Select: Edit
  3. Click: Apply
  4. Comments (drop down) > Select: Allow or Do Not Allow
  5. Click: Update


Allow/Disable Guest Reviews for new properties at sync:

  1. Log into the Dashboard > Settings > Q4 Vacation Rental Settings > Preferences
  2. Click: Enable Guest Reviews on Sync - for any new properties that get added
  3. Click: Update

This does a few things:

    • Activates "allow comments" option for new properties on sync
    • Reveals the "Comments" menu in the Dashboard admin sidebar menu
    • Reveals the "Discussion" meta box will now appear on individual property pages, where you can Allow (or not) Guest Reviews (comments)

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