
There will be instances when a refund is due to a customer for various reasons. Please follow the instructions below before approving a refund.

Accounting/ Q4Launch Internal Error:
  1. If a customer notices an Accounting Error (i.e. duplicate charges in one month, billed the incorrect amount, etc.), The CSM should research the error to ensure it is in fact an internal error.
  2. Once the CSM determines this is an internal error, they should create a line item on Client Billing to have the error corrected.
    1. If needed, reach out to billing directly at to receive assistance on how to update the billing sheet.
  3. The CSM will need to follow up to ensure billing is correct to prevent future errors moving forward.
Customer unsatisfied with service and request a refund:
  1. Determine the reason that the customer is unsatisfied with a service.
  2. A meeting should be scheduled with internal team members to determine what steps should be taken to deliver quality service/content.
    1. If this is performance-based, the CSM should work directly with the MM to discuss ways to pivot their strategy to improve performance. The MM should also provide historical data (if available) to show how our services have impacted the customer’s performance positively.
  3. A follow-up call should be scheduled with the customer to discuss the next steps.
  4. The CSM should follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the strategies created to avoid having the customer become At Risk.

**No refunds should be provided to a customer without prior approval from a Team Lead. **

Please note most situations can be resolved without providing a refund; unless it is an internal error.

CSMs should be doing their due diligence to get to the root of the customer’s problem. Connect with your Team Leads if you are ever unsure whether a refund should be issued or not. Oftentimes, creating a new strategy or possibly swapping a service will suffice.



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