Reordering Accommodations & Specials


    • Accommodations:
      • Under Dashboard on WordPress, left-hand side under Accommodations
      • Click Re-Order
      • Move the accommodations around as needed
  • Specials:
    • Under Dashboard on WordPress, left-hand side under Specials
    • Click Re-Order
    • Re-order the specials as needed

*Note: If you do not see the Re-Order option, check that the Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins > Post Types Order plugin is activated. If not installed, contact Dev with a task to install it.

*Dev Note — The Post Type Order plugin will break the chronological order of blog posts. If blog posts are re-ordered, the order will not follow the date until the menu_order is reset to 0 in the database entry for the post that was reordered.

*Dev Note 2 — The Re-Order option should be hidden in Settings > Post Type Order > Posts: Hidden.

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