Select Registry: Creating/Updating Destination and Experiences Sub Header

The instructions will be the same for Destination and Experience sub headers. In this document, I will focus on Destinations. Please see the video for a walk through (sorry for the quality – I had to compress the video).

  • Login at (live) or (dev).
  • Navigate to the Destination page you need to edit.
  • Click on the “Edit” tab above the destination’s header. Here you can edit the content.
    • Name: edit the main page name
    • Hero Image: upload a new image
    • Description: Edit the description that appears in the header under the “Name”
    • Destination Details: This the sub-header field. If you need to create a new field, select Paragraph Type = Content, then click “Add new Paragraph”.
      The header field is optional. It will appear in bold above the Content block.
      The content will appear under the header. Enter your content here.
  • Click Save after updating.

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