Setting Up NEW VR Hub

Thoroughly understand list of amenities customer want and wants to highlight.


Organization Setup
*Chris to do this then add CS/MM/CSM as users

Company Name: (Customer Name)
Company GUID:


Customer (no vowels) = bkbch

Kickoff Date = 031921

Company Moniker: q + (3 letter company initials)


Click Submit

Once brought back to company list click “View” next to company name


Channel Setup

Confirm Company in Active Company dropdown

Click Create a Channel

Channel Name: Customer Name

Channel URL – Website URL

Channel Type: Confirm “website”


App Settings:

Leave all set to default


QuickSearch Settings:

Set Advanced Search Path to vacation-rentals

*Advanced Search Path is the url where your main search page is. Typically vacation-rentals, but SEO teams could require more specific urls.


Map API Settings:
API Key = AIzaSyCmK4ddwfVg12nqHH2xzoWuQ3LRAsq79-U

Search API Settings:

Default Result Sorting: typically select Default (can also do occupancy ascending)

More Settings: (Items to review/check, if it’s not listed here you can leave as default)

Search API Endpoint: Leave as Rezfusion

Set Details Page URL to /vacation-rentals (IF EXISTING CUSTOMER = /vacation_rentals)

Checkbox if you want to Enable Reviews

Set Zero Results Message to “Sorry, no properties available”

Non Bookable Results

Minimum Stay Rule Result

Minimum Stay Rule Threshold

Contact number

Set Teaser Image Size to Small/Medium


Search Page Settings:

Check Show reviews summaries in Teasers

Check Search Map Split View


Availability API Settings:

Check Show Adults & Children if property allows children

More Settings:

Booking Confirmation Page URL (domain/booking)

May have to use q4-demo & switch once in prod

Show Flexible Date Search (NOT yet available)

Set secure Payment Server Domain to

Maximum Adults 0

Maximum Children 0

Date Format: Select US Default

Minimum Stay 0

Maximum Stay 365

Stay Increment 1

Check Global Turn Days

Minimum Advance Booking 1

Maximum Advance Booking 365

Check Show Nightly Prices (optional)

Check Require Prices


Checkout Settings:

Check Suppress Title Display

Check Show Payment Schedule

Check Expose Promo Codes

Check Show Terms

Setup Permitted Referrers



Quote Settings:

Price Display Format: Pick from dropdown

Book Now Button Label: Default = Book Now

Detailed Quote Button Label: Default = Detailed Quote


Details Page Settings:

Check Show Large Calendar

Check Show Montage Gallery

Hero Image Size: Small/Medium

Full Screen Image Size: Medium/Large

Check Show Thumbnails in Fullscreen Gallery

Check Show Reviews

Check Show Map


Favorites Setting:

Check Enable favorites


Click Submit



Once you create the channel, you will see a screen with channel rules and custom categories/values that will need to be configured. First, you will need to connect to your PMS.


Connection Setup

*Still awaiting other PMS setup instructions from BT


Escapia Connection:

What you’ll need:

Ensure Q4Launch has been added as a network partner AND all units have been distributed to us. You can check this in Escapia > Admin > Setup > EscapiaNET > Unit Distribution.

API user name

API password

Escapia EVRN Source Identifier (4digit)

This is the account number and can be found in profile


Channel Setup


Channel Rule Setup:
TIP – There is a glitch in Hub’s navigation, start this process by selecting CHANNELS in the main navigation at the top, and selecting MANAGE on your channel.



Rule Name: [Customer Name] Units

Rule Description: [PMS] Properties

Click Submit

Click Add Connection

Click Add

Return to your CHANNELS and MANAGE and you will see your units feeding in





Create Custom Categories:


Click Create New Category

Enter Category Name

Click Submit

Click Display Options

Show on Search:

Show on Quick Search:

Show on Detail:

Set Listing Page Display Option to Show only applicable fields

Set Query Operator to And


Create Custom Values:


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