If a customer does not have a website hosted with us but is sold our blog or vacation guide – we host that subdomain, and have the customer point an A record to our server to make our site live (show up).
- an A record (one of many DNS record types) sends web traffic from a domain name to an IP address. In this case, we want to send web traffic from blog.domain.com to our server via our IP address
Reminder: The Q4Launch Future Proof® Platform contains proprietary code and we do not give it away – these subdomain websites are always hosted with us.
IP Addresses to point subdomains to:
- If the site is BB/Inn/Hotel, the site will be hosted on Q4-HOST, IP:
- If the site is VR, the site will be hosted on Q4-VR, IP:
- creates the hosting account on our server
- adds the subdomain to that account
- updates the MX / SPF to match the main domain
- moves demo site files to that production subdomain, makes it ready to go “live”
- coordinates with the customer to either
- asks the customer to “Please create an A record pointing the subdomain to the IP address: (listed above)”
- And add our server’s IP to their SPF record so our site can send emails from a contact form if neededExample email to the customer — remember to use the correct IP address from above:- – –
To launch your new guide/blog subdomain, please have your IT support set up a subdomain to guide/blog.domain.com with an A record that points to our server at: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. If you have an SPF (sender policy framework) record in your DNS, please add our IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to that record so email can be sent from the website and will not be considered spam.– or –
Please provide us with your registrar login credentials..
– – –
- And add our server’s IP to their SPF record so our site can send emails from a contact form if neededExample email to the customer — remember to use the correct IP address from above:- – –
- If they cannot update DNS records themselves, then we need to gain DNS login access for dev to update.
- asks the customer to “Please create an A record pointing the subdomain to the IP address: (listed above)”
Propagation often takes minutes to hours to complete.