SOP For Online Vacation Guide For 30-Day Onboarding

This process has been streamlined to ensure completion during the 30-day onboarding process.

  • CEMs will add a link to the OVG questionnaire to the customer’s KO document. They’ll also include links to examples of similar OVGs. Very important: Add examples that are similar to the one they’ll get.
  • CEMs and CCs will outline how important it is for the client to fill out the spreadsheet on the KO call. (This is crucial to streamlining the onboarding process.)
  • The CC will submit 3 days/times for the Branding Call (Previously known as the Vacation Guide Call). They will mention the days/times on the KO call and follow up via email to schedule the call.
  • After the kickoff call, CCs will be responsible for following up w/ the clients about filling in the spreadsheet.
  • Give the client a week fill in the spreadsheet.
  • After the KO call, CEMs are responsible for filling in the Autoresponder strategy. (Each AR should only include a CTA and an H1. Keep them effective, short, and sweet.)


If the client fills in the spreadsheet:

  1. CC will edit and fill in any info they did not (Ie: directions)
  2. CC will write the intros and add them to the spreadsheet
  3. CC will write the ARs and add them to the spreadsheet
  4. CC will submit to Allison or Casey in Zoho to proof.
  5. Once A or C edit, the CC will send the spreadsheet to the customer. Let them know we have filled in our sections and they have two business days to provide feedback. (Give them an actual date). If we don’t hear back, we’ll upload the info to the website as-is. This is not an “approval process.” EMPHASIZE how amazing it is that the OVG is online and can be changed at any time! (Sample email below)
  6. Upload to the website and close out tasks in Zoho.

Here’s a sample email:

Good afternoon Joni!
I’ve completed your section intros for the Vacation Guide as well as your auto-responders. You’ll find both under different tabs in the Vacation Guide Questionnaire sheet, linked below (Section Intros and Final Auto Responder Text). Please give me any notes or corrections by end of day Wednesday, October 3. On Thursday, I’ll put the Vacation Guide up on your website. Since your Vacation Guide is online, anything on it can be changed at any time.
Looking forward to seeing your notes,


If the client does not fill in the spreadsheet (cannot for some reason)

The CC will fill in 3 items per section on the spreadsheet

The rest of the process is the same as above. (1-6)

Other links:

How to Conduct a Content Branding Call (Previously known as a Vacation Guide Call) 


How to Create an Online Vacation Guide (Incl. Steps to Upload) 


How to Write the Revised Online Vacation Guide Auto Responders 



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