Following these guidelines will be especially important during the busy season.
- All Vacation Guide and AR updates should be planned in advance and added to the quarterly calendar as a goal. It will be easy enough for CCs and CEMs to decide while they are reviewing calendars whether to add it as a goal.
- CCs will then know to plan for this work and can complete the VG and ARs by the end of the quarter.
- CEMs will also need to provide the strategy for autoresponders as outlined on the new VG Questionnaire and share w/ CC.
- Keep in mind, the busy season may not be the best time to update.
- If CCs have multiple VG updates in a quarter, they will work w/ the CEM to bump it to another quarter as needed.
- A reminder that CEMs are handling the landing page updates for the online VGs. They should be the dev-designed version and instructions have been provided.