Strategic Planning, Guidance, and Reporting Tasklist

Throughout this article, there will be several acronyms used. Below, you’ll find a legend for reference.

  1. CSM = Customer Success Manager
  2. MM = Marketing Mananger
  3. CC = Content Creator
  4. CS = Customer Support
  5. PIR = Partnership Impact Report

Meeting to Discuss SEO Content Marketing Targets

  1. The SEO Team meets with the CSM, MM, and CC to discuss the SEO Content Marketing Targets.
  2. The CSM will add meeting notes to Method. 

Finalize First revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar

Following the meeting to discuss the SEO Content Marketing Targets, 

  1. The CSM should connect with the SEO Team to make sure the Keyword Research document has been added to this Sharepoint Workbook.
  2. Once confirmed, alert the MM, who will create and complete the client’s first marketing calendar.
  3. Once completed, the MM will send to the CC and CSM for review.

Deliver revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar to Client for Approval

  1. Prior to the Revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar call, send your client the On-page Edits and the first Revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar.
    1. On-Page edits will be provided in an Excel Workbook with which pages were selected for updating, their appropriate keywords, new body, and the former body copy to show what changed.
  2. Over the phone, get approval for the On-page Edits and the first Revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar. 
    1. Notify the SEO Team, the MM, and the CC that the above has been approved.
  3. After the call, the CSM should notify the SEO Team, MM, and CC that the On-Page Edits and the first Revenue & Marketing Strategy Calendar have been approved. Then, ensure users are added to the sites. 
    1. For non-Q4Launch sites*, the CSM should let the SEO Team, MM, and CC know the login is stored in Keeper and that’s how they should access the site.
    2. For Q4Launch sites, the CSM should coordinate with the respective CS Team member to add:
      If you’re unsure of someone’s email, please check the Team Directory via your Outlook inbox. 

      1. The SEO Team members
      2. The CSM
      3. The MM
      4. The CC.
*NOTE: If the client is not getting a new website with us, the Marketing Manager will implement the On-Page Edits. Should the pages not be editable by the login provided, the client will need to implement the on-page edits themselves or ask their website developer to implement them. Be sure to communicate this via email with your client when you deliver the on-page edits. 

Add Users to Analytics Account as administrators

The CSM will add the following email addresses*, including: 

  1. SEO team (,,
  2. The Content Creator
  3. The Marketing Manager
  4. Your team lead
  5. PPC Specialist (If doing Google or Bing Ads)
    1. If this account is full, add
  7. If it is a vacation rental customer who is getting a Q4L-integrated website, add as an Administrator to the account.

*NOTE: With the transition from Google Drive back in 2020, several team members may have different email addresses. Should their Outlook email not work, the CSM should coordinate with those respective team member’s Google email addresses.

Audit the current Google Analytics Account

  1. The MM should follow this KB article and verify the Google Analytics account is set up to Q4launch Best Practices.
  2. Once completed, detail any areas that may have been updated, circulate with the CSM, and add to the respective customer folder in Sharepoint.
  3. If the customer is receiving a Q4Launch website/subdomain, ensure we’ve implemented the Analytics tracking code on the development site.
    1. To locate this, go to Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code
    2. Once pulled, copy the Tracking Code > head over to the client’s current website > right-click to select “View Page Source” > CTRL + F on that page > paste the Tracking Code (typically starts with a UA-) to verify we’ll be implementing the correct one.
    3. Should there be more than one Tracking Code or the incorrect Google Analytics account access, the MM should relay that to the CSM and have them coordinate with the customer.

Create the PIR report Via Google drive

  1. After receiving Analytics access, the MM should create the PIR for the respective client.
  2. Before creation, the MM should confirm whether reports@ or reports2@ has been added to the Analytics account. Once confirmed, the MM should open a new Incognito window and log in as that respective account.
    1. Both email address logins are stored in Keeper and all should have access.
  3. To fully complete set up, open the Creating a PIR in DataStudio to complete this.

Pull the baseline Revenue Baseline

  1. The MM will log into the client’s respective booking engine or property management system to pull the previous 12 months of data.
  2. The Baseline numbers should be added to the client’s respective Report Overview in the Customer Report’s Folder in Google Drive.
  3. The MM will share this with the CSM, who will send to baseline to the client for approval.
  4. The MM should also pull the entire previous year and the year prior’s revenue data to provide a full picture of performance.
  5. Not sure how to pull reports? Review the “How to Pull the Booking Revenue Report” KB article.
  6. If you’re unable to complete this due to limit access or no access, the MM should coordinate with the CSM for a resolution.

Develop day AR strategy

  1. Develop an AR Day strategy that you believe will convert the best bookings for the customer, meaning promote the onsite restaurant, the innkeepers, weddings, etc.
  2. All you will need to do write bullets and the CC will develop the content that will convert
  3. Open the VG Questionnaire and use the AR strategy tab to write the strategy.
  4. Share it with the CC once you are done.
    1. If the MM has a great example of a successful AR strategy, they should share the CC, too.
    2. They may also share the ActiveCampaign URL for the CC to review the Automations, too.

Add all logins to keeper from the logins & access Checklist

  1. The CSM should add logins from the Logins & Access Checklist to Keeper in the respective customer folder.

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