
  • Blocking Referrers That Have Been Flagged By Google

    Under the “WordFence” menu item in the admin sidebar select the “Firewall” submenu option. Select the “Blocking” tab at the top of the page. Select the “Custom Pattern” option. Enter a “Referrer” with a “*” at the beginning and end (e.g. **) and a “Block Reason” (e.g. “Flagged by Google”).  Then click the “Block Visitors … Continued

  • Assisting Customers With Regaining Full Control of Google Analytics

    Workflow Send the customer this help article from Google: CSMs should check with the internal team to pull the Google Ads ID, as well as the Google Analytics Account and Property ID for the customer requesting permission to take over their account. The customer will need this information to successfully submit their ticket to … Continued

  • Event Tracking Button Shortcode

    Version `2.18.0` and above of the Q4 Framework includes a shortcode for creating buttons tied to Google Analytics event tracking. Usage The shortcode [eventtrackingbutton] accepts the following attributes: text – The display text of the generated button. link – The href value for the button / the URL that the button will go to. target … Continued

  • How-To: Update PPC Competitive Ads Market Share Reporting

    Competitive ads reports are helpful for clients to keep track of their rivals’ spending and ad prominence.  Did they boost spend?  Are there new competitors on market also buying our keywords?  There’s lots to discover so its a valuable report. Updating this data over time provides a good picture of a rivals as well as … Continued

  • Tracking Code Instructions for Non-Q4Launch Websites

    Hey guys, We’ve had a few clients come on-board lately who either have outdated GA (google analytics) code or no tracking code on their non-Q4L website.   Tracking is critical to measuring performance so it’s very important to get it set up promptly when an account comes onboard. There’s a specific ecommerce-ready code implementation that we … Continued

  • How-To: Fix Data Studio-Google Analytics Reports With Config Error, or Add New Analytics Account “Views” to a Data Studio Report

    Hey guys! I’ve been using this handy report for a while to get a sense of revenue performance by the PPC channel and it is really helpful.   I like it because you can change the dates to see any time frame vs previous period (page one of report) or versus previous year (page two … Continued

  • Adding the Search Console feature

    Search Console on Google Analytics should allow you to see what keywords people are using to get your site to appear in a search. If needed, follow along with the pictures at the bottom of this article. To set this up, use the followings steps: Log in to Google Analytics and click on your property … Continued

  • Customer Action Plan Checklist

    Goal of this protocol Covering all bases in establishing the problem, finding the culprit, and correcting the issue to solve the problem quickly and efficiently. Ultimately, the goal is to rapidly identify problems and improve customer performance before it risks hurting the relationship or leading to the customer questioning our efficacy. 1. First, establish the … Continued

  • Adding Event Tracking to Contact Forms & Google Analytics

    Paste the following within the Contact Us form, above all other fields: (important: make sure all quotes/apostrophes are straight, not curved – they’re different characters and the latter won’t read correctly) <script> document.addEventListener( ‘wpcf7mailsent’, function( event ) { ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘Contact Form’, ‘Submit’, ‘Contact Us’); }, false ); </script> A real-life example: When you hit … Continued

  • Dev Site Indexed By Google

    I recommend all CEMs check their accounts for Dev sites that were indexed by Google. This happens when the dev site’s Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Search Engine Visibility is unchecked – for whatever reason. You can easily identify this with a Google Site search: If you identify a dev site that was … Continued

  • The Ultimate Q4Launch Guide to Reporting Results to Customers

    Reporting is a constant opportunity for continuous improvement for our team. We are constantly to maximize client insights and takeaways while minimizing time spent actually doing reporting. After all, time spent each month on reporting is less time we get to execute our strategies. With that being said, reporting at the end of or beginning … Continued

  • How to Review Q4Launch Marketing Services’ Effectiveness Using Google Analytics

    Before you can review how successful our marketing strategy is for customers, you need to understand what goals are set for each service. You can read that back on the article on creating a marketing strategy.   So, now that you have that refresher, how to go about reviewing how individual services are performing on … Continued

  • How to Exclude the Reservation System

    Steps on how to exclude a reservation system as referral traffic. 1. Go to Analytics account 2. Look under Property and click Tracking Info 3. Click Referral Exclusion List 4. Type in the url/ name of the item you’d like to exclude ThinkReservations For RezNexus Always filter out the customer’s URL, too!

  • Q4VR: Analytics Landing Page Tracking – Session Timeout

    Problem If you are seeing odd “landing pages” in Google Analytics – with URLs that look like search results – chances are good that your Session Timeout is set too short. For example: Google defines a “session” as: A group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For … Continued