
  • Automated Policy Page Generation

    The Q4 Framework automatically generates and publishes privacy and accessibility pages when activated on new sites. To complete the page setup, login to the site and go to Appearance → Customize → Q4 Future Proof™️ Features → Q4 Policy Page Generation, fill out the fields for the customer information, and press the “Publish” button at … Continued

  • Blog Approval Process

    Workflow  Content Creator drafts blog in a Word document.  Content Creator highlights the keyword, headings, LSIs, and other strategy practices to indicate that those elements can’t be changed.  Content Creator shares the blog with the CSM.  CSM sends the blog to the client within 1 day of receiving it.  CSM adds this copy (outlined below) to … Continued

  • Creating & Updating Landing Pages – The Q4Launch Guide

    Before You Begin: What Is a Landing Page? A Landing Page is defined as any page on a website that a user can “land” on—whether they follow a direct link, find the page from organic search, or type in the URL. A Landing Page can inform, persuade, entertain, or do a little of all three. … Continued

  • How to Remove <span> Tags that Mess Up WordPress Formatting (Find & Replace)

    Do you have a post/page where hyperlinked text is not formatting the way it does on other pages (e.g. not bolded)? This article will: Help you identify when hidden <span> styling tags are preventing links from formatting correctly Provide instructions for how to quickly and easily remove them from a post without affecting any other … Continued

  • How to Review a Marketing Strategy Calendar

    General Overview 1. Review each section of the calendar before it’s sent to the customer. This should take no longer than 20 minutes. Make sure the sections are filled in with lots of detail, and that the strategy is specific to the customer and their vertical. (Ex: We don’t want to push midweek stays for … Continued

  • Content Email SOP for Active Campaign

    Creating a New Email Before you do anything, read the 2019 Email Marketing Style Guide and the Email Marketing SOP. These are the guidelines by which you’re meant to create your email. It’s time to create your email! Watch this handy video to watch how to read a strategy and create the email. Some Things … Continued

  • SOP For Online Vacation Guide For 30-Day Onboarding

    This process has been streamlined to ensure completion during the 30-day onboarding process. CEMs will add a link to the OVG questionnaire to the customer’s KO document. They’ll also include links to examples of similar OVGs. Very important: Add examples that are similar to the one they’ll get. CEMs and CCs will outline how important … Continued

  • SOP for Transferring a PDF Vacation Guide to the Online Version

    Following these guidelines will be especially important during the busy season. All Vacation Guide and AR updates should be planned in advance and added to the quarterly calendar as a goal. It will be easy enough for CCs and CEMs to decide while they are reviewing calendars whether to add it as a goal. CCs will … Continued

  • laptop with sunrise


    Here is the procedure for updating a static page. Timeline Static page updates should be included in the marketing strategy calendar. If they are not, CC and CEM will work together on the desired deadline. Troubleshooting Especially if a page was already updated in the last few months, CEMs will check things like: design/layout, site … Continued

  • Collaboration | Keyword Research Meeting SOP

    Pre-Keyword Research Meeting Please come to the meeting with your half of the keywords selected for the upcoming quarter. You can prepare these keywords directly on your Keyword Research spreadsheet, or use the following chart. Please have your keywords and reasoning ready to discuss during the meeting. Amount of Keywords/Topics to prepare for the meeting: … Continued

  • Q4VR: Featured Properties In Blog Posts

    Wouldn’t it be nice to easily include featured VR properties within a post when writing about a specific area or topic? Now you can via a simple snippet of code called a “shortcode”.   How To Include Featured PropertIes Using A Shortcode   Specifics You can include as many properties as you like, but the … Continued

  • Naming and Resizing Images – Tools & Best Practices

    It is extremely important that we all follow these best practices when adding images to customer websites because: Large image files = slow load times, excess usage of our server space Poorly named image files (e.g. ThinkStockPhotos-235q34634.jpg or = no SEO value, impossible to search for in WordPress or GetResponse media galleries Duplicate images … Continued

  • Select Registry: Creating/Updating Destination and Experiences Sub Header

    The instructions will be the same for Destination and Experience sub headers. In this document, I will focus on Destinations. Please see the video for a walk through (sorry for the quality – I had to compress the video). Login at (live) or (dev). Navigate to the Destination page you need to edit. … Continued

  • How to Save Photos to the Q4 Photo Bank

    There are two ways to upload photos to the Q4 Photo Bank. Open the folder on your computer marked “Downloads.” Next, open the Q4 Photo Bank on the Drive. Select the folder on the Drive to which you’d like to upload your photo and double click to open it. Now drag the photo from your … Continued

  • How to Use Getty Images

    We have an annual contract with Getty Images we can use to download photos for blogs, social media, website design and the Vacation Guide. Clients will be charged if we download more than 4 images for use for their website design. More on that later! A Few Important Details About Our Getty Image Account We … Continued

  • Q4 Hub User Authentication

  • How to Write a Q4Launch Vacation Guide

    About Vacation Guides are used for lead generation for our clients.   Resources You will use the client’s completed questionnaire, info on their website and info from your Vacation Guide Call to create the Vacation Guide. You will also need to conduct a little bit of research to fill in where needed. Great resources include … Continued

  • How to Write Auto Responders

      Auto Responders are sent out to people who sign up to receive the Vacation Guide. They get four emails. One on the first day they sign up (immediately), followed by 3 additional emails sent 1, 2 and 4 days after they register.     Email Subject Lines   Should be able to use these … Continued

  • How to Conduct a Vacation Guide Call

    Questions Find out a little bit about the client and how they got into the innkeeping business. (Take notes, you’ll be able to use this info in the intros.) Tell me about how you got started and why? What are your favorite things about the property? What’s unique? What do you love most about the … Continued

  • How to Resize Photos and Add a Photo Credit for the New Framework

    The dimensions for the set featured image on the new framework are 1500×609. (As long as you size an image to be 1500 pixels wide, you should be fine. Some of the image will get cropped off on the blog page itself but it will appear in it entirely on the blog index.) There are … Continued

  • How to Set Up, Convert & Verify a Pinterest Account

    How to Set Up a Pinterest Account Go to Pinterest for Businesses and make sure you are not logged in to another account already. Click Join Pinterest or Join as a business Enter the client’s email address (Get this from the CEM), create a password (keep it professional, such as client1 or similar) and click Sign up.Record the … Continued