Chances are you’ve had a customer contact you and asking something along the lines of, “no one can book on my website past XX date. What is going on; everyone can book my properties on OTAs but not our website?!?” To make a long story, short: the customer needs to extend their seasons in their PMS!  Now, it’s time for the details. Click the PMS you need help with for more information on how to troubleshoot!

Escapia       Streamline

How to Check For This For the Customer

PMS: Escapia

Not only one of the most common integrations we have but also the system which the most customer ask about. The best way to show them they need to fix it is by running a missing unit report.

Steps to Follow:

*As a disclaimer, locate the unit code for a property live on the site before running the report. You’ll find this by simply clicking units.

  • Log into Escapia
  • Select the code from the dropdown and click ‘Run Report.’
  • Screenshot that screen and highlight the end date for the seasons (this will be on the left-hand side of the screen).

What to Send to an Escapia Customer

Hi [Customer],
I did some checking in Escapia and noticed that the seasons stop at [date where they’ve indicated the season stopped]. I would highly recommend you going into Escapia and adding the seasons for next year and even the year after that. Below, the screenshot from the [name of unit and unit code in Escapia].
[____include screenshot____]
Since adding a new rate season, it may between 24-48 hours to sync. However, I’ll make this high priority and will sync [how often you plan to sync] to ensure these changes are made on the live site.

PMS: Streamline

To troubleshoot the issues here, you’ll want to access the ‘Seasons’ screen in the system.

*As a reminder, choose only properties that are live on the site. A good way to check this is looking at the Vacation Rentals List and choose one whose Renting Type says “Renting.”

Steps to Follow:

  • Configuration > Vacation Rentals Manager > Seasons
  • From there, you’ll click the little pencil next to the Season Name.
  • Navigate to the “Define Periods.”
  • Screenshot that and send the customer.

What to Send to a Streamline Customer

Hi [Customer],
I did some checking in Streamline and noticed that the ‘Define Periods’ tab indicates the seasons stop at [date where they’ve indicated the season stopped or if you proactively notice]. I would highly recommend you going into  Streamline and updating those dates within that particular season next year and even the year after that. Below, reference the screenshot from the [name of the season and include a property name you’re seeing it on].
[____include screenshot____]
Since updating the existing rate season, it may between 24-48 hours to sync. However, I’ll make this high priority and will sync [how often you plan to sync] to ensure these changes are made on the live site.

From my understanding, Streamline’s sync is much faster than Escapia’s but preface the delay to troubleshoot further if need be.

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