VR Onboarding

API Access: Gain API access to Customer Data

To being integration on the Q4VR sites, you’ll need access to the API. This is the main communication our sites have to the customer’s PMS. Since not all the systems are the same, please refer to the following KB article on what language you should use to communicate effectively and appropriately with the customer. Please provide API login information in a comment below.

Once completed, assign the “Setup API Connection” task for dev team. 

Setup API Connection

  • Add customer to the Q4 Hub/account
  • create a token
  • and plug into the VR plugin.
  • Run a sync to confirm properties pull in and connection to API works

VR Access: If possible provide us with a login to their PMS backend

As a part of the Login Checklist we distribute before or after the kickoff call, we have a section for the PMS login. It’s important we pass along that information to the developer as soon as possible. Once you receive it, post those credentials in the comments.

Once completed, assign this task to DEV.

General: Gain Travel Insurance Documentation

We need to get the insurance company logo and documentation to link to on the site. This prevents us from using the wrong insurance information, as well as allows us to be consistent with the company that the customer uses.

Assigned to once you post an answer in the comments and @chat dev 

Inquire About Rental Damage

This option may or may not be a standard at some properties. Usually, it comes through automatically with the API. If you want to cover your bases, it’s always best to confirm during Onboarding whether or not it should be included during the booking process.

Confirm Rental Agreement is Present

This is already included for Escapia once we have login information. For all other PMS systems, this can be pulled off of their PMS account and added manually to the VR Settings.

If not present, reassign to the CEM with instructions to get from the customer.

Confirm Cancellation Agreement is Present

This is already included for Escapia once we have login information. For all other PMS systems, this can be pulled off of their PMS account and added manually to the VR Settings.

If not present, reassign to the CEM with instructions to get from the customer.

Confirm Payment Deposit and Schedule is Present

This is based on the individual PMS and varies among them, but this will come through the API integration automatically. So far, we’ve seen everyone pays in full at the booking stage.

If this varies, please ask the CEM to reach out the customer to provide this schedule and payment deposits.

Search: Ask the customer what the customer’s desired search criteria are

These will be what is listed in the search bar on the site. Typically, we’ll have the following:

  • Check-in

  • Checkout

  • Number of guests

  • Number of bedrooms (minimum)

  • Advanced

For the Advanced section, this is where we’ll list any additional amenities for the search. Examples of these being:

  • Hot Tub

  • Private Beach

  • Mountainview

  • Oceanfront

  • Beach Access

  • Pets Allowed

  • Exact bedrooms

  • Minimum bathrooms

  • Location

Once completed, assign to DEV.

Search: Determine VR Landing Pages (eg. Pet-Friendly)

This is normally discussed either in the Website Design Call or once the customer has indicated the desired search criteria. We normally pull this information for the landing pages from the Advanced Search or Amenities options.


  • Rentals With Hot Tubs

  • Rentals by [Name of Specific Area]

  • Pet-friendly

  • Mountain View

  • Rentals With Private Beach

@CEM- you will need to confirm all pages during the content migration and the development processes.

Determine Customer Preferences on VR Settings

These are specific preferences that we may need additional time to set up. The backend developer will usually have to set these up for the customer. Examples include:

  • Coupons

  • Rate Table

  • Truplace

  • Map Settings

  • Custom Messaging Options

  • Other customer requests

Some options are available in certain PMSes while others may not be.

Another component of this is the Sort Preference. Typically, we’ll pull what’s possible via the API and normally what’s the current option for customers on their previous site. Make sure we have this determined before alerting the back-end developer.

CSM Delivers to Customer #1


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