Website Build Task List

Take Screenshot of Website (Before)

Add the Using the Full Page Image Capture plugin, take a screenshot of the customer’s old website. Clearly label the photo and add it to the Customer Old Website ScreenShot images folder.

Confirm if Email is Hosted or Remote

  1. Hosted: Means we will take over email hosting. This is a website based hosting email. It is like hosting the website, their email will live on our server. We do offer that for free, with that said, we are not an IT company so if something does go wrong, we most likely will not be able to fix it. If the website goes down their email will go down as well
  2. Remote: This is a web-based service like google apps (gmail). We highly recommend that a customer moves over to remote because their email should never go down and if they have an email problem they can have call that company and they can help.
  3. If we host the email we will need every email address so we know what we need to host and post that in this task AND “add hosted email accounts – OR – set remote MX” task.
  4. Once the correct information is added to this task, change the “Set-up hosting cPanel account for live web & email” task to open and @chat Ricardo in that task.

Add Hosted Email Accounts / Set Remote Mx

This is a task completed by dev.


Setup Hosting Cpanel

This is a task completed by dev.


Setup Dev Site & Send Credentials

  1. Dev will setup dev site and send credentials to CS by Day 3.
  2. CS to create email logins for other team members (MM, CSM, CC, SEO) and notify once created.
    1. How to add users: 
      1. Log-in to backend
      2. On the left-hand side find users
      3. Add New
      4. Add UN
      5. Add email
      6. Choose Admin as a role
      7. Click “add new user”


Reskin Subdomain to Match Current Website

This is a task completed by dev.

Duplicate Live Site in Demo Environment

This is a task completed by dev.

Configure Q4VR Settings

Please see other VR setup KBs.

  • Setting up API Creds
  • All VR documentation:


Complete Content Migration

  • CS to complete content migration
    • If website only customer you will need to pull URL pull from Screaming Frog
    • If marketing customer you should use the SEO Onboarding sheet provided
  • Settings when beginning content migration:
    • BB/HIL (non-integrated website):
      • Dashboard > Customize > Future Proof Options
        • Rooms, Accommodation, Ect: Select Rooms or Accommodation Index and publish
        • Reservations, Ect: Add External Booking Link + Button Text
        • Analytics Tracking: Add Google Analytics Tracking Code and select corresponding code type

    • This is under “Specials” on left hand menu in the new website.

    • This is under “Specials” on left hand menu in the new website.
  • Add Privacy Policy and Web Accessibility Policy Pages

    • Review Import/Export to Ensure All Content is on Demo Site
    • Add Meta Descriptions and Title Tags
  • During migration be sure to migrate ALL content from old site including title tags and meta descriptions
    • If marketing customer be sure to implament the SEO recommendations to title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, and content on *SEO pages
  • Add Any Redirects From Old Website

    • How to do a redirect:
      1. Log-in to website
      2. Find “Tools” on the left-hand menu
      3. Click on “Redirection”
      4. Scroll down to bottom of page
      5. Score URL = OLD URL (only use after .com/ in URL)
      6. Target URL = NEW URL (only use after .com/ in URL)
      7. Set “Group” to Redirections
      8. Click “Add Redirect”

Build Dev Site

  • DEV complete a first draft build of the website based on the approved mockup.
  • CS/MM/CSM QA dev site based on Website Quality Assurance Task List and submit internal revisions needed prior to delivering to customer.


Dev Site Internal Revisions

  • CS to submit any internal revisions in the Jira task and update work flow to “Internal Revisions”
  • Internal Revisions may include (but are not limited to):
    • Difference from the mockup
    • Padding/Spacing/White Space issues
    • Button Changes
    • Font/Font Size Changes


CSM Delivers Dev Site to Customer After receiving approval from team lead

See Website Quality Assurance Task List


Dev Site Customer Revisions

  • Customer can have up to 2 rounds of revisions so it is important to collect all revision request
    • Text, Photo, Menu changes to be made by CS
    • Color, layout, font changes to be put in Jira task for Dev by CS


Dev Team Lead Confirmation of Target Launch Date

  • CS to gain website approval from customer and share with team
  • Once customer approves CS/MM/CSM will need to perform final QA. Once completed site can be added to Launch queue.
  • CS should alert Dev team lead of approved site in launch queue and coordinate launch date


Communicate Launch Date to Customer

  • Communicate with customer launch date and share the following expectations:
    • Launch process can take up to 48hrs. This means that some will see the old site and some will see the new site until fully propogated.
    • Post Launch CS will notify them and perform another round of QA.
    • CS will schedule a WordPress tutorial to show customer how to make edits if needed.


Uncheck – Discourage Search Engines

This is a task completed by dev.


Optimize Website Prior to Launch

This is a task completed by dev.


Remove Www From Site Address

This is a task completed by dev.


Launch Website

This is a task completed by dev.


Install SSL

This is a task completed by dev.


Install Cache Plugin

This is a task completed by dev.


Install Akismet

This is a task completed by dev.


Setup Mainwp

This is a task completed by dev.


Notify Customer Site Launched, Create Customer Login, and Send WordPress Tutorial


Notify CC, SEO and PPC Teams of Website Launch

  • CS to complete this task


The CS will send a goodbye email

In the email, you want to reinforce:

  • The CSM will be your main point of contact moving forward
  • It was a pleasure working with them
  • This will be like a breakup email that states you will no longer be working on their account, but they are in good hands with the CSM.
  • Include their log-in for the website


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