Social Media FAQ

Welcome to my Social Media FAQ! This is pretty long, but it has all of the frequently asked questions I have gotten from team members and clients. If I haven’t answered something on this list, just ask, and I will add it! I recommend using ctrl + f to find what you’re looking for. General … Continued

Future Proof® Feature: Q4VR Barefoot Agent Lead Forms

Q4VR Barefoot Agent Forms is a lead capture tool Q4 has built to integrate with Barefoot Agent – Barefoot’s lead management and CRM tools. The Q4VR Plugin integrates and communicates with Barefoot Agent lead capture system via API for customers that pay for the service.   Setup In order for our Barefoot customers to use … Continued

How to Remove <span> Tags that Mess Up WordPress Formatting (Find & Replace)

Do you have a post/page where hyperlinked text is not formatting the way it does on other pages (e.g. not bolded)? This article will: Help you identify when hidden <span> styling tags are preventing links from formatting correctly Provide instructions for how to quickly and easily remove them from a post without affecting any other … Continued

Cloudflare Site Setup

Instructions from Set up Cloudflare account and add site to account. Cloudflare will scrape the DNS zone records from the site.  Compare these to the current zone records and make sure everything has been brought over and add any missing records. After confirming DNS records Cloudflare will provide new nameservers that the site will … Continued

Q4VR: Sharing Access to Sync VR Websites with Customer

When setting up a customer login to a VR website we should also send the customer instructions on when and how to sync their website. Access to sync the website is available in editor access, but you can always triple check this by logging in using your customer’s login credentials before sending an email to … Continued

Q4 VR PLUGIN: RELEASE V2.20.0 / V2.20.1

v2.20.0 (2019-09-11) Release Notes F = new feature, E = enhancement, P = patch F: v2.20.0 Guest Reviews – Official Release / Updated success message (c7c5ce13) E: v2.20.0 Search – Escapia – add ability to set default sort to bedrooms lowest to highest (8b207a97) P: v2.20.0 GA Ecommerce Tracking – Fix issue where client id was … Continued

How to Pull Booking and Revenue Reports from Customer Booking Engines / Property Management Systems

Booking Revenue: The value of the reservations made in a given month, regardless of arrival date. This number will include the value of future stays. Actual/Earned Revenue: The actualized earnings from reservations in a given month, typically for arrival dates within the date range. B&B, Inn, Hotel, Resort, and Lodges Booking Engines ThinkReservations Booking Revenue … Continued

Future Proof Feature: Q4VR Guest Reviews

Overview:The Guest Reviews feature allows customers to leave a review for an individual property.*This feature has been enabled by default, to disable it you must remove it from all properties.Once a submission is made, the review goes into a moderation queue in the dashboard under “comments” for approval.Here is a walkthrough:Note: Guest Reviews are the … Continued

Customer Transfer Checklist

Congratulations! You just got a customer transferred to you from another CSM, which means you’re ready to help another customer reached their fullest potential.Whether you’re in training or a more experienced CSM, it never hurts to give the new site some recommendations on how the pages could perform better or if the website can be … Continued

Tips on Hosting a Webinar

Do you have a few great ideas that you want to share with the masses? Are you looking for a great way to reach out to the folks in your contact database aside from sending an email or posting to social media? It’s always great to mix up the way you deliver content to your … Continued