Content Email SOP for Active Campaign

Creating a New Email Before you do anything, read the 2019 Email Marketing Style Guide and the Email Marketing SOP. These are the guidelines by which you’re meant to create your email. It’s time to create your email! Watch this handy video to watch how to read a strategy and create the email. Some Things … Continued

Adding Code Snippets to WP Head

When you need to add a scrip or other code snippet into the WordPress head, copy and paste this code within the Child Theme’s function.php file.   /* Describe what the code snippet does so you can remember later on */ add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘your_function_name‘); function your_function_name(){ ?> PASTE HEADER CODE HERE <?php };

404’s on internal pages

NOTE: This only applies if the homepage is showing up as normal!   Ever had a customer call or email in a panic saying that their site is broken but when you pull it up the homepage is fine? It’s only when you start clicking around in curiosity that you realize that all internal pages … Continued


Chances are you’ve had a customer contact you and asking something along the lines of, “no one can book on my website past XX date. What is going on; everyone can book my properties on OTAs but not our website?!?” To make a long story, short: the customer needs to extend their seasons in their … Continued

Q4VR: Image Caption Feature

** Note: This feature may not yet be available for your customer’s Property Management System. Before offering this feature to a customer, confirm with the development team that it is available in your customer’s PMS. Confirmed PMSs: Escapia, Barefoot, VRM When configuring your Q4VR Settings using the Q4VR Setup Guide, you’ll notice an option in … Continued

Linking to a new tab or window

The best practice is to leave the default browser link behavior intact. Why: TLDR; This UX pattern has been user tested by some of the best companies; doesn’t do it. Google is the most intensive user study company online and if it was the best experience, if it had an advantage, every search result from … Continued

Multiple H1 Tags Per Page

The “one H1 tag per page” rule was was true when websites were built with HTML4. And back then, years ago, Google used the H1 tag as a ranking factor. But with the release of HTML5 multiple header 1 tags can be just as, or even more, semantic as using only one tag. Our sites … Continued

Future Proof™ Feature: Mobile Quick-Nav

The Mobile Quick-Nav allows for quick navigation to the most necessary navigation links while using your phone. Cameo Heights Mansion uses this feature to quickly allow customers to Call, Book, or find info on Dining and Packages. Directions to the destination would also be a great link for the Mobile Quick-Nav. Note: This feature only … Continued

Creating a SharpSpring Lead Generation Tool

Once a lead gen tool (i.e. the Social Media Guide, Free SEO Grader, etc.) has been approved and created, the below process will detail the required pieces of content and processes for setting up and activating the automation process. 1. Creating A Landing Page Create a new page on the Q4 website with SEO-friendly copy … Continued

Signing Up a Customer for 5 Star Review

To learn more about 5 Star Review, read our services page. 1. Signing Up a Customer for 5 Star Review A) Visit B) Fill out the sign-up form on behalf of the customer, using the official business name and address where needed C) On the next page, Add a hero image or logo for … Continued