Creating a Lead Generation Tool

While increasing website traffic is important, it would be pointless if it does not lead to revenue for our customers.  Our end goal for everything we do is to get more people to book with our customers.  At the very least we can convert anonymous visitors on our sites into leads.  A lead is someone … Continued

Funnel Marketing

Funnel marketing is a multifaceted system that is designed to lead potential customers to make a purchase.  This marketing strategy leads customers to take multiple steps through a well designed process.  With each action the user takes they are closer to converting and making a purchase.  If we are to apply this strategy to our … Continued

Creating and Verifying a Google My Business (GMB) Account

Having a verified Google My Business (GMB) account for our customers is essential for increasing their site’s page rankings. Creating a Google My Business Account Go to Click Start Now In the search bar, type the name of your business or the address of your business. Click on the Magnifying Glass button or press Enter If … Continued

How to Write a Q4Launch Vacation Guide

About Vacation Guides are used for lead generation for our clients.   Resources You will use the client’s completed questionnaire, info on their website and info from your Vacation Guide Call to create the Vacation Guide. You will also need to conduct a little bit of research to fill in where needed. Great resources include … Continued

How to Write Auto Responders

  Auto Responders are sent out to people who sign up to receive the Vacation Guide. They get four emails. One on the first day they sign up (immediately), followed by 3 additional emails sent 1, 2 and 4 days after they register.     Email Subject Lines   Should be able to use these … Continued

How to Conduct a Vacation Guide Call

Questions Find out a little bit about the client and how they got into the innkeeping business. (Take notes, you’ll be able to use this info in the intros.) Tell me about how you got started and why? What are your favorite things about the property? What’s unique? What do you love most about the … Continued

How to Resize Photos and Add a Photo Credit for the New Framework

The dimensions for the set featured image on the new framework are 1500×609. (As long as you size an image to be 1500 pixels wide, you should be fine. Some of the image will get cropped off on the blog page itself but it will appear in it entirely on the blog index.) There are … Continued

WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + b = Bold Ctrl + i = Italic Ctrl + c = Copy Ctrl + v = Paste Ctrl + Shift + v = Paste Values Only Ctrl + x = Cut Ctrl + a = Select All Ctrl + z = Undo Ctrl + y = Redo Ctrl + k = Insert/edit … Continued

Updating Nav Buttons

Nav Info In WordPress click Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Logo, Title, Nav Text Under the section labeled Top Nav Text paste the script code for the Nav.   Nav Menu In WordPress, click Dashboard > Appearance > Menu > Top Menu

Updating the Favicon

The favicon (Favorite Icon) is the small icon that appears in the browser tab of the website.  These icons need to be square and be at least 512 pixels wide and tall. To update the favicon Click Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Logo, Title, Nav Text Under Site Icon, click Change Image Upload a new image … Continued