How to Set Up, Convert & Verify a Pinterest Account

How to Set Up a Pinterest Account Go to Pinterest for Businesses and make sure you are not logged in to another account already. Click Join Pinterest or Join as a business Enter the client’s email address (Get this from the CEM), create a password (keep it professional, such as client1 or similar) and click Sign up.Record the … Continued

Onpage Optimization

Onpage optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings.  Once you have written an awesome blog, here is how to optimize the webpage in order to get the blog ranked higher on Google.  You should optimize keywords, links, images and … Continued

Taking a Website Live

Before we take a website live we need to know the customer’s domain name and determine how the email is being handled.  This is the process of taking a customer’s website live. Create a new hosting account on our server using the customer’s domain name. Determine how the email is being handled. If we are … Continued


API (Application Program Interface):  Consists of ready-made libraries that allow software to communicate with other software.  Just like a mouse and keyboard give input to the computer to perform certain tasks, some software applications use the API to perform tasks and complete functions. Back End:  The back end of a website is the administrator side … Continued

Suggestion Box

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Setting up an AdWords Campaign

Google AdWords allows you to create ads on the search results page of Google.  Even within ads there is competition to be ranked higher than other ads.  Many factors play in to the rankings but the main factors are bids, keywords, extensions and page content.  It is important to know that even if your competition … Continued

Getting Analytics Access from the Customer

Here are the steps that the customer need to take in order to add you as a user to the Analytics account.  Make sue to enter in the correct tracking ID in step 3 and delete the content in the parentheses before sending these steps to the customer. Sign in to your Analytics account. Select Admin tab … Continued

Removing Users from Google Analytics

We should limit who has access to our customer’s Analytics account especially if competitors still have access to the account.  We don’t want our competitors to have any insight on our strategy.  Also, the fewer users with access to the account will make it more secure.  Ultimately, it is the customer’s decision to remove any users but we … Continued

Verify Correct Tracking ID

  Go to the customer’s website While on their website, right click the homepage and select View Page Source.  (Alternatively, hit Ctrl + u to view the page source) While viewing the page source, hit Ctrl + f.  This brings up a search box In the search box, type “ua-” Click the down arrow next to the text box … Continued

Turn Off Search Engine Blocking

While the site is being created, WordPress should be set to discourage search engines to index the site.  Once the site is ready to go live, this feature should be turned off.   Click Dashboard > Settings > Reading   Uncheck the Search Engine Visibility box and then click Save Changes